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New user has lots of questions

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Hi Guys

Could someone tell me why when I upload a photo onto a page I am working on, when I go to do something else like add text or something else from paint that you cant see what I am doing, but if I take away the image I uploaded then I can see?

Also how do edit text that you have already added previously?

And lastly, can you copy something you have done and paste it?

Thanks guys

Sorry for all the questions.

Lottie.x :P

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than be loved for who I am NOT."

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Reading the Rules before posting is only going to help you more. Reading the Paint.NET help file also helps you and the form Search button works to.

Could someone tell me why when I upload a photo onto a page I am working on, when I go to do something else like add text or something else from paint that you cant see what I am doing, but if I take away the image I uploaded then I can see?

When in Paint.NET hit F1 and go to layers. I think you will find what your looking for.

Also how do edit text that you have already added previously?

Has been asked time and time again. Use the forums Search tool.

And lastly, can you copy something you have done and paste it?

F1 again in Paint.NET or you could just try it to see


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