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RFE - Dynamic Magic Wand

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I wouldn't find that very efficient.

Let's say that we have an image like this:


I want to select the concrete ground and the blue sky. All I set the tolerance to 15% for the sky. Then when I raise it up to 25% for when I select the ground, the sky's selection goes out of whack and I'd need to lower the tolerance again.

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I find it really useful too, but the questions are:

Will my mother expect that behavior?

Will my CPU appreciate it?

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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I find it really useful too, but the questions are:

Will my mother expect that behavior?

Will my CPU appreciate it?

Well, this may be me not understanding the code behind it, but it seems to me that you would simply need to simulate a click at the original coordinates each time the tolerances are changed.

Anyway, doesn't Photoshop alter the selected area dynamically?

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I've considered doing something like this before. Changing the slider would only affect the most recent selection activity. For example, if you click first at 15%, then ctrl+click at 25% to add on to the existing selection, then only that 2nd click's effect would be changed. Also, you would have to enable a special mode, or hold down Control or something, in order to have the "dynamic" behavior of the Tolerance slider.

The main issue on a feature like this is performance. I'd need a way to keep the UI very responsive. It's a good kind of challenge though.

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My main issue about performance is that to select a precise %-age, I drag the tolerance slider, instead of clicking on it.

So if the UI remains as is, it will compute for barely each %.

The 'press a button to preview/activate' idea is neat, though.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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