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signature tutorials

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A signature is something which expresses who you are and what you like; it's a personal thing. Nobody can make a tutorial specifically designed for one person as everyone is different.

However, starting off with a canvas no bigger than 500x150px is going to be a really good starting point. Using already present tutorials to make something that is you is also going to be very useful. Try experimenting with different effects and techniques and you'll find your style, whether it's simple colours to complicated picture editing is up to you to find out.

Hope this helps :D

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Tillerman, your post is not related to the topic at hand. Please make a new topic if necessary.

With regards to your signature, it does show up now / here, and it's far too tall. Please take a gander at The Rules.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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