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PDN for Digital Scrapbooking Purposes

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I have been using PDN for digital scrapbooking, greeting cards, photo editing, photo restorations, and other various related uses, for maybe 6 years, off and on when doing any of the above.

This is the simplest for setting up page or image sizes, re-scaling, layers, cloning, shadow effects, etc....super simple.
I found PDN by accident...

I find it so odd that over the years PDN has not had a huge dedicated digital scrapbook group of followers. This software has most certainly what it takes to be a part of the digital scrapbooking world.

A large problem is that I am a good AVERAGE knowledge user of PDN. I get the absolutely beautiful results I have desired from using various features and I'm good to go. I would like to at least TRY to become a very knowledgeable user and start a blog of my own for digital scrapbookers to educate them about PDN, to begin with, and then to offer various tutorials to get them going, and, that much, I feel good enough to do responsibly; to get some going. I most certainly don't know all the tricks or fullness of this super charged software and with digital scrapbooking, to use various PNG graphics to make a scrapbook project, is not that hard. I do believe that this bad boy of a super charged software can help many interested in digital scrapbooking to not only make absolutely beautiful 12 x 12 or smaller pages/sheets, such as is used by many photo book websites, like Shutterfly, for example, but that this software can be useful for those who wish to ALSO CREATE THEIR OWN SCRAP KITS for themselves, to give away, and/or to sell, like thousands do worldwide.


I can't be the only one who uses this for digital scrapbooking but if any others are out there who do, I haven't found them and over the years I haven't been to every single digital scrapbooking blog or website, but, I can assure all of you, I have been to THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of them. I have found nobody who promotes PDN in that world, or blogs about using it for such use.


PDN makes beautiful digital scrapbooking pages, in any size, but the largest I have done are 12" x 12" (usually the standard), many in 8x10 (my common standard), to which I simply print out and frame, along with sometimes 5 x 7s.


I hope to one day see PDN expand into the digital scrapbooking community, as there are so very many.


So, in conclusion, hello and a genuinely sincere heart felt thank you to those of you who have created this, created plug-ins, those who offer some form of how to use various features, the many who care about offering such a powerful wonderful image software to the world as a free gift. It is incredibly kind of all of you, however any of you contribute, big or small. Thank you. Thank you for the meaningful family keepsake memories all of you have allowed me to create for my loved ones.


Thank you for your time.


(Edited by me cuz' it was toooo long)

Edited by ScrapbookWithPDN
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Wow, that was a lot to read. =O


Everyone is welcome on the forums; newbies or experienced.


All tutorials on the forums are written based on the assumption that the reader has already read through the official documentation.


I'm sure there are plenty of other people out there that would want to use paint.net for scrapbooking. Why don't you start us off by writing a digital scrapbooking tutorial or two here in the forums. I wouldn't mind learning more about it.


I don't know if it relates to digital scrapbooking, but I have a tutorial for Scotch Tape. I try to make my tutorials as clear as possible with detailed steps. If you have any specific suggestions for improving tutorials, feel free to comment on them. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but personally I'm not afraid to hear that my tutorials suck, if you are able to tell me why you think it sucks.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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Hi! Welcome to the forums! The paint.net forums are for everyone, and what I like most about this place is that it is family friendly, so family oriented types of people are completely welcome here! Just be sure you read the forum rules, if you haven't already done so yet.
Oh, and from what you said here...

By the way, after the upgrade, which I love, the "tint" feature when clicking on "colors" under the EFFECTS directory, causes PDN to crash every single time. Maybe it's me and something I didn't do or need to do. My computer is only 4 years old. It works great and I don't feel the need to compete or compare technology with anyone else. I don't like Windows 10 or 8, at all, and I am not using them. In time I will.

Be sure both your paint.net and your plugins are up to date (this plugin pack has tint for paint.net 4.0+). Also, be careful that your plugins aren't from bad websites, or that you don't have the megalo pack (read about it here: Megalo = VIRUS!).

And, if you like drop shadows, as you spoke of here:

One thing that helps, other than the regular "drop shadow" is the additional alternative shadow function. The icon is of a stick man with his shadow coming from his feet. That was a very important addition for those in the world of digital scrapbooking and is used endlessly---sometimes over kill, with regard to expensive commercial image software.

Then maybe you would like my drop shadow tutorial? It's not exactly a tutorial for scrap-booking exclusively, but maybe you or your beginner friends would find it useful.
For another tutorial, I got pretty detailed in my gradient blending tutorial, perhaps you might like it too?
And this tutorial here is a great one, it might be perfect for scrap-booking ideas.
Now then, it's wonderful to have another paint.net fan popping onto the forums. I hope you enjoy your time here! :):cake:

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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Everyone is welcome on the forums; newbies or experienced.


I'm sure there are plenty of other people out there that would want to use paint.net for scrapbooking. Why don't you start us off by writing a digital scrapbooking tutorial or two here in the forums. I wouldn't mind learning more about it.



I am taking your advice and trying to get one going on WordPress. It will take some time but I have already set it up and am trying to create it in a very, very easily communicated way. Thank you and thank you for taking the time to reply....and thank you for reading.

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I don't know if it relates to digital scrapbooking, but I have a tutorial for Scotch Tape. I try to make my tutorials as clear as possible with detailed steps. If you have any specific suggestions for improving tutorials, feel free to comment on them. Obviously I can't speak for everyone, but personally I'm not afraid to hear that my tutorials suck, if you are able to tell me why you think it sucks.

It most certainly DOES relate to digital scrapbooking. I saw your tutorial and it was VERY EASY to understand. That was such a well explained tutorial, too. That's what is needed; detailed tutorials. Many graphics used, depending on the theme of the image or kit, many like and create graphics similar to actual photo look-alikes, too. Another big one, other than a Scotch tape to hold a photo in place, another hugely used concept is the "torn paper" or "torn edges" effect.


I'm going to give a URL for a lot of "Scotch tape" and "tape" commonly used in the digital scrapbooking world, and that is an extremely LARGE world.




When I find detailed tutorials that would be helpful, I plan on linking to them from my site, after it is organized, pending that does not violate any Forum rules AND pending once the site is up permission to do so is given.


Thank  you so much and for being cool. 

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Hi! Welcome to the forums! The paint.net forums are for everyone, and what I like most about this place is that it is family friendly, so family oriented types of people are completely welcome here! Just be sure you read the forum rules, if you haven't already done so yet.



Oh, and from what you said here...

Be sure both your paint.net and your plugins are up to date (this plugin pack has tint for paint.net 4.0+). Also, be careful that your plugins aren't from bad websites, or that you don't have the megalo pack (read about it here: Megalo = VIRUS!).

Thank you so much for the welcoming and for taking the time to get through my lengthy post. II had something to say that had been on my mind for over a year. I just let it all hang out there. I also type very fast. Good for me. Bad for all of you : )


Family friendly works for me, too. It's a sign of professionalism and entices people to take the forum and the product more serious. Plus, not everyone, certainly, but a large number of people in the digital scraping field share that they are of one religious belief or another. That doesn't mean holy rolers or fundies will be annoying people.


Thank you for that bit of advice about the plugins. I hadn't had a reason or time to use the software for a few months. When I went to use it I found out, to my joy, it had been updated. Huge improvements, too. I, and so many others, I'm sure, are so grateful.  I have tried to make sure I only get my plugins from links left on this site or from the get paint links. I will also check into the tint plugin. After the update I pretty much figured I had to change out some effects upon a couple of them, which I commonly use or tinker with, that were no longer working. Like the smudge and shadow. I was so bummed when the smudge ceased to work. I wasn't sure if it was intentionally left out or not. Eventually I was able to find the newer one. Same with the shadow effect AND, I was glad it was with the "OBJECTS" catagory, because on my older version, it was not. That just made so much sense to put it where it now is, and I know many dedicate time to PDN outside of their jobs and family time. Again, I'm one of the many who are forever grateful for the kindness and selflessness other people offer to the world, one way or the other. Very appreciated.


For anyone reading this, anytime there is an update, that does not mean new plugins have to be manually replacing prior plugins, from my experience, at least.



Thank you again for sharing the virus information!


Oh, and your tutorial was very informative and educational to me, as with Toe's. Your gradient tute made me realize there is an easier way to do some blending. Those concepts and methods are a big part of the digital scraping world.


That is a world that is HUUUGE into whatever compliments a photograph. Blending, fading, shadows, Scotch taping and other various ways to simulate realistically how a photo would be secured, and many various preset color filters, like the many color/photo tinting plug ins (saved presets) that an infinity amount of people create and simply give away and Devient Art is a huge place for photo filter plugins for another software that starts with an "A". I think that is why that other software is so strong within the digital scrapbooking world; because that world is based around photos or parts of photos. So, I would imagine being able to use various color and special effect filters, with ease, others were kind enough to simply make and give away to people. Scrapbooking word just wants to make sentimental photo layouts, basically. It's similar to photo editing apps on cell phones. Those make it SOOOOOO EASY to take a regular photo and with a tap that photo can often just look so much better with those little filter presets. It's something so simple, yet so often used. Those and "light leaks". It just makes it more interesting, sometimes prettier, and it can be fun to do it.


I'm very appreciative you, also, took the time to read then post. I'm also very appreciative of your tutorial.


Thank you so much. Very kind of you.

Edited by david.atwell
fixed misformed quote tag.
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  • 2 weeks later...

If you like plugins that can give neat/cool visual effects to photos, then this one is fun : http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/24563-laplacian-pyramid-filter-effect-plugin/


I'm not sure if you know this youtube tutorial or not, but it's one I like for making sparkles/glitter : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut3zFyYf8yw

But WARNING, don't download anything from that person's video description, they link to a website that gives viruses. If you need a plugin that the video talks about, find it from these forums http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15260-plugin-index/.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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