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Animated GIFs

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If you have Simon Brown's .agif filetype plugin installed, you can change the file extension of your animated gif from .gif to .agif, then open it in paint.net. This will open each frame on its own layer.

Once you have the file opened, simply resize the canvas (ctrl+shift+r) however you please

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

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To pdnnoob (not sure if that's a surname or given to you by your parents),


I did as you suggested and thanks. Haven't gotten it to work yet but have no time to look at it in a thorough manner right now. Will get back to you when I can better describe the problem.


Thanks again, Mike

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Compuserv gifs are a bit quirky as anything added to them can change or even degrade the image quality when saved. For text, it has to be added to all the frames in the exact same location which in itself is a pain in the ..... You're probably better off just resizing the image through CSS / HTML code if it's just the size you want to change.


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If this is a real issue for you then you should use ImAgif.FileType.

Because this plugin allows you to define a Foreground layer which will be added to all frames automatically.

Checked it out, I would so buy you a 6 pack of beer right now if I could. Thank you and yes it's always been that way with text and gifs, for me at least. I just used Benetton movie maker or GIMP but both have their own issues lol.

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