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Feature Suggestion - Scroll Past Edge

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I use Paint.net a lot these days for sprite/pixel art, and I spend a lot of time zoomed in, offten on the edge of images, and I offten find myself having to move the tool boxes, or having to unmaximize the window so I can push them outside of the drawing canvas.


It occurred to me that it might be nice to by default, or by option, let the user scroll past the edge of the image by maybe 90% or 50% of the screen size so you can simply scroll a little further and not mess with the tool boxes.


Alternately maybe an option to contain the drawing canvas to an interior so it isn't under the boxes.


Just a feature I think would be nice. Keep up the good work :)

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You can always make your main window smaller than the whole screen, then drag your windows outside of the drawing area. Paint.NET remembers where you want those windows, so next time you run Paint.NET they'll show up in the same place.

I understand that this solution is not perfect. However, I believe it is the best alternative until Rick makes some changes in Paint.NET.

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You can always make your main window smaller than the whole screen, then drag your windows outside of the drawing area. Paint.NET remembers where you want those windows, so next time you run Paint.NET they'll show up in the same place.


Yea, but it just doesn't seem too work out as well to have the boxes outside the window, and anchoring them to the parent window requires you to keep them slightly inside..


It just isn't that nice.. Especially if you're like me and have a ton of things open and are moving things around the desktop constantly, I'd really prefer to keep them nicely docked to the inside..

Edited by AlgorithmX2
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This is probably going to make it into a future update.


Pre-4.0, this was just not a possibility due to the way things were architected internally.


In 4.0, I rewrote the entire canvas UI and rendering system. It's now possible, and the feature just has to sift to the top amongst all the other features, fixes, and improvements on The Great Big List.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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