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I'm adding a layer(small picture of unicorn, for the sake of the example) to the default/first layer and I move it around the background for positioning.


Once I decide to add another layer/picture I cannot move the unicorn anymore, he is imprinted in the default layer.


Is there a possibility that I can move it again after the manipulation with the second picture/layer?


In effect, I want to have the possibility to move many small pictures "at once"(its not really at once but very close to it, like I want to move stack of cards on my table), is that possible?




First you need to reach for the rectangle select tool :RectangleSelectTool: and select around your object, then use the move tool   :MoveTool: to reposition the "unicorn" to where you want it to be, then press enter or click on deselect :Deselect:

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