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Everything is printing in pink

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Hello! I am hoping someone can help me out with this. I have created several files that are exclusively black/gray, but when I go to print them, everthing comes out pink. I have even tried to copy the image into a word document, but it still comes out pink. The image looks correct on the screen, but I can't figure it out. I am able to print from word in black, but not from paint. I have even set the printer preferences to print grayscale and still the lines and words come out pink. It is probably something easy and silly that I am overlooking, but I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks in advance for all of your help!!

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More to the point, many ink printers have 2 ink cartridges. one black, and the other having the three primary colors (red, green, blue - hence the standard designation of RGB). At any rate, if you do a lot of color printing, it is possible that one color has expelled itself before the 2 of the others, leaving you with only the pink color resulting from your cartridge trying to produce what it cannot because of the shortage of the necessary color it needs.

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Thanks, guys! It looks like I was just out of colored ink, even though the computer was telling me it was full. I switched the printer properties to only use the black cartridge and it printed out for me. Thanks again!!

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