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Vector-like effect.

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I discovered that when saving a picture in GIF format, if you set the transparency threshold and dithering level to zero, you can achieve a slight vector-like effect.

This differs completely from picture to picture, and you have to reopen it to see the results.

I know nothing about coding, but is there any way that this could be used as an effect in the program?

Or at least a plugin could be based on this?


EDIT: At least I know this works in version 2.72

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Please show an example of before and after.

Here you go:





Not all of my tests worked as well as these, I like how her arm turned out.

A lot had little or no effect on the picture.

I'm not quite sure what playes into making it look a certain way.

If someone plays around with it, I'm sure they could get it looking less crude.

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You guys sure reply fast.

There is already a plugin for this.


My work with "Interval" set to 25:



I'm new to plugins and such, thanks.

The effect looks almost identical.

Looks more like making it poor quaility to me...but if you're going for a cartoony effect, there are various plugins for that. Otherwise, I can't help you here...

Wasn't looking for help, merely trying to aid others.

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Here is how to make this picture:

Before you begin, you'll need the Toon effect plugin and optionally the Pastel effect plugin.

Open an image. It opens on the background layer.

Duplicate the background layer. Call this layer "outline". Make it invisible for now.

Select the backgound layer and run the Oil Paint effect (defaults).

Now Gaussian Blur the background layer with Radius 1.

Select the background layer and run the Glow effect. Radius 6, lower the contrast, adjust the brightness as desired. I used -78 on both for this picture.

(Or, you could just run the crappy Pastel effect I wrote.)

Select the "outline" layer and make it visible.

Run the Toon effect on the outline layer.

Now select Adjustments > Black and White.

Create a new layer called "Eyes".

Select the "outline" layer and lasso the whites of the eyes. You'll have to do these one at a time. Copy the white area of the eyes and paste it into the new "Eyes" layer.

When done with that, select the "Eyes" layer and Gaussian Blur it with a Radius 1.

Select the "Outline" layer and change the properties to Blending Mode: Darken.

That's it. ;)

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Here is how to make this picture:

Before you begin, you'll need the Toon effect plugin and optionally the Pastel effect plugin.

Open an image. It opens on the background layer.

Duplicate the background layer. Call this layer "outline". Make it invisible for now.

Select the backgound layer and run the Oil Paint effect (defaults).

Now Gaussian Blur the background layer with Radius 1.

Select the background layer and run the Glow effect. Radius 6, lower the contrast, adjust the brightness as desired. I used -78 on both for this picture.

(Or, you could just run the crappy Pastel effect I wrote.)

Select the "outline" layer and make it visible.

Run the Toon effect on the outline layer.

Now select Adjustments > Black and White.

Create a new layer called "Eyes".

Select the "outline" layer and lasso the whites of the eyes. You'll have to do these one at a time. Copy the white area of the eyes and paste it into the new "Eyes" layer.

When done with that, select the "Eyes" layer and Gaussian Blur it with a Radius 1.

Select the "Outline" layer and change the properties to Blending Mode: Darken.

That's it. ;)

Wow, great tutorial!

That'll come in handy some day...

I like how the picture turns out.

(By the way, those guys are my friends xD)

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