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Adding with lasso is slow, but taking away is fast??

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Whenever I'm editing larger pictures (like 1800x1200 and up) when I use the Lasso to add to a selection its pretty slow, but when I take away a selection its pretty quick. When I draw the initial selection with the Lasso its very quick.

This is on both my laptop and my main computer. My Laptop I can understand (1.8Ghz Turion64). My main computer is a AMD X2 4600 and if I bring up Task Manager while Lasso is sitting there updating the CPU Utilization only hits like 50% and really one of them is running at like 60%, and the other is maybe 10%-20%. Memory is 1.5Gb DDR2.

Heres a screenshot to show. Down by the bottom is where it was still drawning the line while I had time to bring up Task Manager and hit PRNT SCRN. Is this normal behavior, due to the way the selection works or something?


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The code for selection union and exclusion is just brute-force and slow. We know of a more sophisticated algorithm which makes this enormously faster, but the implementation is extremely complicated and difficult which is why I haven't yet finished or integrated it. Hopefully someday.

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Yeah everything is fine on your end. A lot of code has changed in version 3.0 so I wouldn't be surprised if rendering performance is randomly up or down by a few percent.

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