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Using grey scale picture frames

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Is it possible to use .png grey scale photo edges (made for photoshop) in paint.net? I found some "frames" that will add various edges to the image (torn edge, lace, ect), but they are in grey scale and I'm not sure how, if I can, to use them in pdn. I've searched for a tutorial and found suggestions on alpha masks, but being a newbie I'm not sure what that is or how those work either. I'm just wanting to give a ragged or other style edge to my photos or backgrounds to use them for digital scrapbooking and framed photos. Thanks for any help or suggestions...so far I'm having a blast using this program!! :)

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Use this as a start, ask questions if needed.



To bring the frame file into your project, use this:

Layers > Import From File ...

The frame mask layer can be resized to match your project image by using

the Move Selected Pixels tool :MoveTool:, on a corner selection adjusting nub.

Edited by Sarkut
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Assuming that you do have Photoshop frames in PNG format and also assuming that the size is suitable, the other alternative is to use Custom Mini Brushes.

You can simply load the already existing PNG frame into a new layer and change the color, hue, etc, accordingly. If they are not in PNG format but rather in their native ABR format, that too can be resolved by reading through the above link - all the info you require to set them up and begin to use them is there!




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Okay, not sure what happened but the link page for alpha masking quit loading. I had it up before, then went back and all I get is a red "x" and there's nothing on the page. I did find something on the paint.net fanatics page and went through the tut but couldn't see my lettering as he suggested. I did something, (not quite sure what!!) and did get the lettering to show up in blue, but still had the black background which should have been transparent (this was per the tutorial there). The frames I have came from the site Sarkut posted and they're in jpeg format. First, should I load those into pdn and resave them as .pngs? While I've had pdn downloaded a couple years I've only started in the last couple of months intensely trying to do more. I see so many scrapbooking ideas I'd like to try, but want to make my own and not "copy" someones elses! Appreciate all the help!

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Here's what I keep coming up with, but at least it's better than the first few tries when I got nothing! I went to the page where I downloaded the frames and took the example they had there. The first one is my attempt, the second one is the one on the site. As you can tell I have white still showing in the center of the photo. This is at least better than what I had on one of my own photos....



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Try again, and save as PNG.

JPEG won't preserve transparency.

That's why you have the white in the middle.

This is at least better than what I had on one of my own photos....

If you post that effort we can zero in on what needs improvement.

Edited by Sarkut
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Sorry...I deleted those, but think I know what I was doing wrong on those now...I had the mask layer checked. Okay, here is the latest one I did with one of my own photos saved as a .png. I think it may be right!?

I just checked this on a background and it worked!! woohoo!! Thank you Sarkut for all the help...can't wait to start trying out some new stuff!!


Edited by PattiG
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