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new version of 'Contour' plugin

Red ochre

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Hello all, I've attached the dll of the re-written contour plugin. The code should be below.

/* =================================================== */
/* 	*/
/* Contour.cs 	*/
/* (c) 2011 John Robbins (Red Ochre) 	*/
/* 	*/
/* Description: creates contours based on an images luminosity 	*/
/* 	*/
/* ========================================== ======== */

// Name: Contour
// Author: Red Ochre (John Robbins)
// Submenu: Stylize
// URL: http://www.getpaint.net/redirect/plugins.html
// Title: Contour - 2011 Red Ochre

#region UICode
int Amount1 = 25;	//[0,100]smoothness (blur radius)
int Amount2 = 5;	//[1,50]number of contours n
double Amount3 = 0.5;	//[0.01,1.00]contour/gap ratio
ColorBgra Amount4 = ColorBgra.FromBgr(250,250,25);	//contour colour
byte Amount5 = 0;	//contour properties|rainbow|background|transparent|solid colour|shaded across contour|shaded along contour|shade both ways|both ways from source(speckled)
ColorBgra Amount6 = ColorBgra.FromBgr(25,25,250);	//gap colour
byte Amount7 = 7;	//gap properties|background|transparent|solid colour|shaded across gap|shaded along gap|shade both ways|both ways from source(speckled)|rainbow

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
// Call the Gaussian Blur effect
GaussianBlurEffect blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect();
PropertyCollection bProps = blurEffect.CreatePropertyCollection();
PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken bParameters = new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(bProps);
bParameters.SetPropertyValue(GaussianBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Radius, Amount1);
blurEffect.SetRenderInfo(bParameters, new RenderArgs(dst), new RenderArgs(src));
blurEffect.Render(new Rectangle[1] {rect},0,1);
ColorBgra CurrentPixel;

int B, G, R, A, tc, tg;
double rad = Math.PI * 2;

for(int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) 
	{ for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) 
	{ CurrentPixel = dst[x,y]; 
	B = (int)CurrentPixel.B;
	G = (int)CurrentPixel.G;
	R = (int)CurrentPixel.R;
	A = (int)CurrentPixel.A;
	int n = Amount2;	// n = number of contours from slider
	int bothw = 765/n;	// cw + gw	(cw = contour width, gw = gap width)
	int cw = (int)(bothw * Amount3);	// contour width as ratio of 'bothw'
	int gw = bothw - cw;	// gap width is the remainder
	int tv = B + G + R;	// tone value from current (blurred)
	int ts = (int)src[x,y].B + (int)src[x,y].G + (int)src[x,y].R;	// ts = source (unblurred) tone value

	if(Amount5 == 7){tc = ts;}	// change tone value to unblurred for speckled option
	else {tc = tv;}
	if(Amount7 == 6){tg = ts;}
	else {tg = tv;}

	for (int z = 0; z < n + 1; z++)	// contour and gap loop
	{ int thresh0 = bothw * z;	// thresholds ... gap starts
	int thresh1 = thresh0 + cw;	// thresholds ... gap ends, contour starts
	int thresh2 = thresh0 + bothw; // thresholds ... contour ends, gap starts 
	double rat = (double)tc / 765;	// long ways shading factor
	double midcont = ((thresh2 - thresh1) / 2) + thresh1 ;	// contour mid point 
	double midgap = ((thresh1 - thresh0) / 2) + thresh0 ; // gap mid point
	double c1, c2;	//crossways shading multipliers
	double f = 2.0;	// factor to lighten the bothways shading mode
	int gB = Amount6.B; int gG = Amount6.G; int gR = Amount6.R; int gA = Amount6.A;	// gap colours
	int cB = Amount4.B; int cG = Amount4.G; int cR = Amount4.R; int cA = Amount4.A; // contour colours

	// Gap
	if (tv >= thresh0 && tv < thresh1) 
	{case 0:	// background
	B = (int)src[x,y].B;G = (int)src[x,y].G;R = (int)src[x,y].R;A = (int)src[x,y].A;
	case 1:	// transparent
	A = 0;
	case 2:	// solid colour
	B = gB; G = gG; R = gR; A = gA;
	case 3:	// shade across
	if(tv < midgap)
	{c1 = (tv - thresh0) / (midgap - thresh0);
	B = (int)(gB * c1); G = (int)(gG * c1); R = (int)(gR * c1); A = gA;}
	if(tv == midgap){B = gB; G = gG; R = gR; A = gA;}
	if(tv > midgap)
	{c2 = (thresh1 - tv) / (thresh1 - midgap);
	B = (int)(gB * c2); G = (int)(gG * c2); R = (int)(gR * c2); A = gA;}
	case 4:	// shade along
	B = (int)(gB * rat); G = (int)(gG * rat); R = (int)(gR * rat); A = gA;
	case 5:	// both ways
	if(tv < midgap)
	{c1 = (tv - thresh0) / (midgap - thresh0);
	B = (int)(gB * c1 * rat * f); G = (int)(gG * c1 * rat * f); R = (int)(gR * c1 * rat * f); A = gA;}
	if(tv == midgap){B = (int)(gB * rat * f); G = (int)(gG * rat * f); R = (int)(gR * rat * f); A = gA;}
	if(tv > midgap)
	{c2 = (thresh1 - tv) / (thresh1 - midgap);
	B = (int)(gB * c2 * rat * f); G = (int)(gG * c2 * rat * f); R = (int)(gR * c2 * rat * f); A = gA;}
	case 6:	// both from source
	if(tg < midgap)
	{c1 = (tg - thresh0) / (midgap - thresh0);
	B = (int)(gB * c1 * rat * f); G = (int)(gG * c1 * rat * f); R = (int)(gR * c1 * rat * f); A = gA;}
	if(tg == midgap){B = (int)(gB * rat * f); G = (int)(gG * rat * f); R = (int)(gR * rat * f); A = gA;}
	if(tg > midgap)
	{c2 = (thresh1 - tg) / (thresh1 - midgap);
	B = (int)(gB * c2 * rat * f); G = (int)(gG * c2 * rat * f); R = (int)(gR * c2 * rat * f); A = gA;}
	case 7:	// rainbow 
	if(tv <= midgap)
	{c1 = (tv - thresh0) / (midgap - thresh0);
	double b1 = Math.Sin(c1 * rad * 4 / 3);
	double g1 = Math.Sin(c1 * rad * 5 / 3);
	double r1 = Math.Sin(c1 * rad * 6 / 3);

	B = (int)((gB * c1) + (128 * b1));
	G = (int)((gG * c1) + (128 * g1));
	R = (int)((gR * c1) + (128 * r1)); A = gA;}

	if(tv > midgap)
	{c2 = (thresh1 - tv) / (thresh1 - midgap);
	double b2 = Math.Sin(c2 * rad * 4 / 3);
	double g2 = Math.Sin(c2 * rad * 5 / 3);
	double r2 = Math.Sin(c2 * rad * 6 / 3);

	B = (int)((gB * c2) + (128 * b2));
	G = (int)((gG * c2) + (128 * g2));
	R = (int)((gR * c2) + (128 * r2)); A = gA;}


	// Contour
	if (tv >= thresh1 && tv < thresh2)
	{case 0:	//rainbow
	if(tv <= midcont)
	{c1 = (tv - thresh1) / (midcont - thresh1);
	double b1 = Math.Sin(c1 * rad * 4 / 3);
	double g1 = Math.Sin(c1 * rad * 5 / 3);
	double r1 = Math.Sin(c1 * rad * 6 / 3);

	B = (int)((cB * c1) + (128 * b1));
	G = (int)((cG * c1) + (128 * g1));
	R = (int)((cR * c1) + (128 * r1)); A = cA;}

	if(tv > midcont)
	{c2 = (thresh2 - tv) / (thresh2 - midcont);
	double b2 = Math.Sin(c2 * rad * 4 / 3);
	double g2 = Math.Sin(c2 * rad * 5 / 3);
	double r2 = Math.Sin(c2 * rad * 6 / 3);

	B = (int)((cB * c2) + (128 * b2));
	G = (int)((cG * c2) + (128 * g2));
	R = (int)((cR * c2) + (128 * r2)); A = cA;}
	case 1:	// background
	B = (int)src[x,y].B;G = (int)src[x,y].G;R = (int)src[x,y].R;A = (int)src[x,y].A;
	case 2:	// transparent
	A = 0;
	case 3:	// solid colour
	B = cB; G = cG; R = cR; A = cA;
	case 4:	// shade across
	if(tv < midcont)
	{c1 = (tv - thresh1) / (midcont - thresh1);
	B = (int)(cB * c1); G = (int)(cG * c1); R = (int)(cR * c1); A = cA;}
	if(tv == midcont){B = cB; G = cG; R = cR; A = cA;}
	if(tv > midcont)
	{c2 = (thresh2 - tv) / (thresh2 - midcont);
	B = (int)(cB * c2); G = (int)(cG * c2); R = (int)(cR * c2); A = cA;}
	case 5:	// shade along
	B = (int)(cB * rat); G = (int)(cG * rat); R = (int)(cR * rat); A = cA;
	case 6:	// both ways f = factor to lighten
	if(tv < midcont)
	{c1 = (tv - thresh1) / (midcont - thresh1);
	B = (int)(cB * c1 * rat * f); G = (int)(cG * c1 * rat * f); R = (int)(cR * c1 * rat * f); A = cA;}
	if(tv == midcont){B = (int)(cB * rat * f); G = (int)(cG * rat * f); R = (int)(cR * rat * f); A = cA;}
	if(tv > midcont)
	{c2 = (thresh2 - tv) / (thresh2 - midcont);
	B = (int)(cB * c2 * rat * f); G = (int)(cG * c2 * rat * f); R = (int)(cR * c2 * rat * f); A = cA;}
	case 7:	//both from source f = factor to lighten
	if(tc < midcont)
	{c1 = (tc - thresh1) / (midcont - thresh1);
	B = (int)(cB * c1 * rat * f); G = (int)(cG * c1 * rat * f); R = (int)(cR * c1 * rat * f); A = cA;}
	if(tc == midcont){B = (int)(cB * rat * f); G = (int)(cG * rat * f); R = (int)(cR * rat * f); A = cA;}
	if(tc > midcont)
	{c2 = (thresh2 - tc) / (thresh2 - midcont);
	B = (int)(cB * c2 * rat * f); G = (int)(cG * c2 * rat * f); R = (int)(cR * c2 * rat * f); A = cA;}
	// re assemble
	CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.FromBgra( Int32Util.ClampToByte(, Int32Util.ClampToByte(G), Int32Util.ClampToByte(R), Int32Util.ClampToByte(A));
	dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel;

Now in my plugin pack Red ochre plugin pack

Edited by Red ochre


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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