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Paint.NET v3.0 Alpha 2 is now available

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This is the second public test release for v3.0. To install this from v2.72, make sure that you enable File -> Updates -> Also check for pre-release (beta) versions.

The preferred way to get this is by using the built-in updater. From within Paint.NET 3.0 Alpha 1, got to the Help menu and then click "Check for Updates". Or if that doesn't work, download it straight from here: http://www.getpaint.net/files/PaintDotN ... Alpha2.exe

Since version 3.0 Alpha 1, the following changes (and more) have been made:

    * New: Gradient Tool supports linear, radial, diamond, and conical gradient modes.
    * New: Merge Layer Down command in Layers menu and Layers window
    * Changed: A version of the Unsaved Changes dialog is now also shown when closing just 1 unsaved image, instead of the old fashioned Yes/No/Cancel MessageBox
    * Changed: Alpha Blending and Anti-aliasing buttons are now split-buttons, with different icon and some descriptive text
    * Changed: Shortcut key to open the MDI overflow list is now Ctrl+Q, instead of Ctrl+Space
    * If an important installation file is missing, Paint.NET will try to repair the installation instead of crashing
    * 256x256 icon format is now compressed, dropping EXE size by 150K
    * Fixed: a bunch of crashes that users were reporting
    * Fixed: "Load from toolbar" in Choose Defaults dialog did not pick up the active tool

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Yes! It is out. Downloading now...

EDIT: After the DL: Sorry about the drool. But this just allows a whole new level of flexibility that not many programs offer to gradients.

It is just fun to go in there and make 10 gradients to see how it turns out, and the nubs make everything living and breathing. Nice job, Rick. You didn't disappoint me. (Have you ever? ;))


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Cool, glad you like it. I'm going to go watch TV.

P.S. The new Gradient Tool loves dual core CPU's ... it's multithreaded, and very noticably faster on an X2 or Core 2 Duo.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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You drew two gradients with opaque colors. Sounds normal to me. Try some colors with an alpha that is less than 255.

That said, I'm also thinking of ways to make the "Alpha Channel Only" mode more intuitive. Right now it seems cumbersome to me.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Installed it, and tried it out. I had to use ten minutes to get used to the new buttons; and everything went smooth after that.

Everybody has praised the new gradient tool already. So let me say thank you for “Merge Layer Down.â€

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Awesome update Rick! The gradient tool is nice and the Merge Layer Down option is even nicer. I would still like to be able to click & drag layers in the child window. Any plans to implement this?


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Rick, this is awesome! Holy cats! Dell should BUNDLE this on their PCs!

EDIT: I just installed it, and I quickly tried one of the new tools and uh... Adobe is pissing their pants. That Gradient friggin' rules. I uh... I don't know what to say, other than that you rule. :D

EDIT 2: OMGOMGOMG. Merge down rules. Rick, I'm like a kid in a candy store. :D Muwahaahahahaa! All of my friends who keep saying "Photoshop is better" better start counting the days, PDN does a LOT of stuff better! >: D

EDIT 3: And the new save dialog. Genius. GENIUS. HOLY bloody potato. MY POST REACHED VERSION 3.

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