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Merging one image into another?

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Hello there,

I want to merge one image into another....

I want to insert and merge a portrait of a woman's face into a header image (for a website).......

Three parts to the question:

  1. How do I remove the square border from around the woman's picture?
  2. How do I merge the woman's picture onto the header image so it doesn't look like it's "lying on top" of the header?
  3. How do I "mix" the colours or add other effects so that the images look as if they were designed to be together in the first place?

Appreciate your help...



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img]<img src=%20%20Uploaded%20with%20ImageShack.us[/img]I did it by romoving girls background using magic wand and eraser then feathered edges.pasting image onto banner. would probably look better with girl on the other side but some of her hand is missing.girln.png Edited by ipswichmanc





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Well done Ipswichmanc....that's exactly what I'm trying to do....

But can you point me in the right direction to do it myself....

You know the story - you can give a man a fish and he eats for a day....or you can teach him how to fish and he can eat for a lifetime!!!



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Well I'm quite proud of myself.....

I tried the steps as explained and I was able to reproduce what Ipswichmanc showed above....

My results are virtually identical so I'm not going to post them up.....

However, is there a way to try and integrate the woman a bit more into the background?

Just so she looks as if she is emerging from the background????

Is that possible or am I trying to fight above my weight here?????

Really appreciate the help so far...



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Well I'm quite proud of myself.....

I tried the steps as explained and I was able to reproduce what Ipswichmanc showed above....

My results are virtually identical so I'm not going to post them up.....

However, is there a way to try and integrate the woman a bit more into the background?

Just so she looks as if she is emerging from the background????

Is that possible or am I trying to fight above my weight here?????

Really appreciate the help so far...



Not sure what you mean .you could make the girl a bit transparent I suppose.you will find that under adjustments.





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It might be worth while you cutting the image out instead of using the magic wand ... http://forums.getpai...ing-out-images/

Thanks Welshy,you're right.first time helping out forgot to mhttps://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dsgjq79_15hdnjpzv6ention the various ways of removing backgrounds.this is a good one.





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