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Paint.net wont work..

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What happened was I instaled a plug-in. I wanted to remove it. so i uninstalled it 3 or 4 times and it still wasint off.

So i deleted some files in the Paint.net folder. Now it says "Fatal error" when i try to reinstall it and i cant remove it in Add or remove programs on my computer!!


Please help!!

I want to fix and reinstall PDN. I love PDN.

Even if i cant reinstall it, Can someone tell me how the heck to get it off my Pc???

Edited by legocrazy98
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read and try EVERY LITTLE thing in the pinned threads on this troubleshooting forum, then retry them.. i was on my fourth go round of them before i got it right and was able to completely clean pdn from my comp so i could reinstall it


SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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