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Two suggestions, bitmap fonts, color i.d.

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The color I.D. (rename it if you want, what i came up with for a name was horrible) my idea is just a crosshair-like tool that will match the color of the pixel you select in any image, and place it to that color on the color wheel. I think this will be a great time-saver for people working on large projects, because it takes awhile to find the same colors when coming back to a project, this feature would be most usefull.

Second feature is the ability to use bitmap(or maybe even jpegs or gifs)as font coloring. This function has been in MS office, and It would really give the ability to make fonts that stand out.

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#2 is very good.

I think the "eyedropper" could be used for your first request...

Where is this "eyedropper" of which you speak? Is it something in v3.0? I'm still using v2.7.

Clone stamp almost does the job, but I still think there should be an option to match on color wheel for a particular pixel.

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#2 is very good.

I think the "eyedropper" could be used for your first request...

Where is this "eyedropper" of which you speak? Is it something in v3.0? I'm still using v2.7.

Clone stamp almost does the job, but I still think there should be an option to match on color wheel for a particular pixel.

Eyedropper, next to the pencil tool, shortcut = Capital E.

I don't clearly understand 2, but I guess you can use the alpha mask plugin...

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ohh, thanks, the description that they gave for the eyedropper didn't make it sound to work the way I wanted, and they just happened to call it a "Color Picker"

Now if you want to understand #2, Microsoft Powerpoint gives an option to use a bitmap image to color your fonts as opposed to just one or two hand-picked colors, allowing you to do some creative text. As far as I know, photoshop has an option like this with an odd name, I think this would be a great feature.

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you can use the alpha mask plugin to do #2.

1. Create a black background.

2. Put white text on it.

3. Save.

4. Go to the bitmap image

5. Apply Alpha Mask plugin with the file created in the first 3 steps.


that works...but it's so many steps, this feature could be integrated into paint.net and need only one or two steps...

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this is actually very easy, all it requires is the photo flood fill plugin.

1 Make your text

2 Magic wand the text, and hold down shift to select all of it, or ctrl to select specific letters

3 Then photo flood fill with the image you want and you got your text the way you want it.

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this is actually very easy, all it requires is the photo flood fill plugin.

1 Make your text

2 Magic wand the text, and hold down shift to select all of it, or ctrl to select specific letters

3 Then photo flood fill with the image you want and you got your text the way you want it.

but it will look aliased, while my method is anti-aliased.

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