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good day.

hi, can i embed paint.net to the web?

since, i'm looking for a photo editor to embed to our project in web programming. were creating with my partner a website for our thesis proposal, where it include a photo edit

can anyone help me, us? hope i could get a positive response to it.

thank you. god bless...

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Paint.NET may not be embedded in any way into any other project, whether it's commercial or academic or whatever. The license prohibits this.

If you actually read the license you might know this.

And, STOP SHOUTING, AND STOP USING UNHELPFUL THREAD TITLES LIKE "IN NEED OF HELP". (If you had read the rules ...) Maybe I should start posting new threads where the titles are Banana, waffle, and Waffle, but with unrelated content. It would be just about as informative.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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