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Looking for Archived Version - v3.5.2

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I recently attempted to install v3.5.5 only to learn that I need to upgrade my WinXP from SP2 to SP3. That's not happening anytime soon.

So, I like to keep an archive of original install versions on my NAS and I cannot seem to find v3.5.2 of Paint.Net in my personal archives.

v3.5.2 is the version reported in Help -> About.

So, where can I obtain either Paint.Net.v3.5.2 OR a later version that still runs under WinXP-SP2?



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Excerpt from forum Rules:

8) Do not ask for older versions of Paint.NET. This is a corollary to #7, but I'm spelling it out separately anyway. We will not provide download links for them -- you are on your own to find them(hint: try a search engine).

Edited by Sarkut
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Excerpt from forum Rules:

8) Do not ask for older versions of Paint.NET. This is a corollary to #7, but I'm spelling it out separately anyway. We will not provide download links for them -- you are on your own to find them(hint: try a search engine).


Though I understand the rules, when it requires a major OS modification, I don't agree with the policy of offering older versions that worked with viable current OS versions.

There are many people and companies who will not upgrade to SP3 for various reasons. SP2 is still quite viable.

Again, sorry for missing that rule.

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Though I understand the rules, when it requires a major OS modification, I don't agree with the policy of offering older versions that worked with viable current OS versions.

There are many people and companies who will not upgrade to SP3 for various reasons. SP2 is still quite viable.

You don't have to agree with the rules, but you do have to follow them.

You can simply install SP3. It's free. It won't bite, don't be scared. Just because SP2 still technically works does not mean it is "viable."

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