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lol PDN

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Well I tried to create a thread to get people using their skill to make something massive but I see people don't like others working together shame PDN isn't for groups of people.

If asking people if they want to join in with some fun is recruting well then im a bad person didn't mean to have too much fun shame im not a reg otherwise I bet things would be different.

I was asking for ideas not for a conscription to the army to see if everyone has good ideas for buttons thats why I said it was a collab that means people working together to make stuff not a recrution thought PDN would like to get some more of a word out there but I see you like to be left in the corner with baby.

I guess I will just have to get photoshop least they like to work with others.

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Hi Woody, I understand you may have the best of intentions, your initial post does sound like someone looking for someone else to do free work for you and your project. If we are in error of your intent, please understand that we the members of this forum have seen this kind of "request" before, so a little suspicion is understandable. If you wish to collaborate with fellow PDN'ers, feel free to check out the Competition Forum. I would be happy to have you enter one of the comps I host. Maybe after some of us get to know you a little, we might not have the same suspicions as we do presently.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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