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Visual Studio 2008 corrupted by 3.54 install

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After running Paint.NET last night, it prompted it me to update to the latest version - which I did.

Afterwards, however, if I tried to run Visual Studio 2008, I received the message:

Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall.

Trying to repair 2008 with the install discs yielded this:

A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Cancelling setup.

The only thing I could do was to roll back the system to before Paint.NET update. I strongly suggest that you pull the update until this is resolved.

XP Professional. Fully patched. Latest .net assemblies.

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Mumbly, everything's working fine here with VS 2008.

Make sure you have all of VS 2008's updates installed, starting with SP1. There were a few that came out last year that many people still don't have. Go to Windows Update and make sure to opt-in to "Microsoft Update," which will ensure that non-Windows updates get installed automatically as well.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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One more thing. Still has a problem on a machine where VS2008 is installed on a drive other than C:.
Why would you install Visual Studio on a drive other than C? It's just gonna install half of itself on C anyway, so unless disk space is really tight (it's 2010; it shouldn't be), you might as well keep in one place...
Visual Studio was running at patch time.

You should enforce shutting it down if possible.

Almost every installer in the world says "close all other programs before proceeding." And Visual Studio's demographic should hopefully know enough about computers to not need Paint.NET's installer to hold their hand and walk them through this.

Also, I've done literally hundreds of installs of Paint.NET with VS2008 running. Are you sure you have SP1? An easy way to tell is if your VS icon has a little 9 on it.


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I run the PDN installer while VS is running all the time. No issues.

This has happened to other people though and has nothing to do with 3.5.4. (that is to say, it has nothing to do with the code changes in this particular update)

Like I said, make sure you have all the updates. There's one in particular that came out last year -- you have to make sure you have the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable version 9.0.30729.4418, as well as the updated VS2008 that actually uses that instead of the older version.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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I have also had the same issue with this install while Visual Studio 2008 SP1 was running. However, for me, it also broke WebEx Connect (a corporate IM client) as well.

Solution was to uninstall Paint .Net as stated by other posters.

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i also have this problem, i am using a studio 15 laptop with windows 7, when i tried to install 3.5.4, i got a message when it was almost done:

the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable

click ok to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'PaintDotNet_460279597.msi' in the box below

that does not exist, so i have to press cancel and it then uninstalls its self

i recently tried copying the files to another location before pressing cancel and then pasting them back when its done, thats when it says those are missing

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