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This is prob. a newbie question.

When FILLing a closed region black, unless I increase the Tolerance value (default=50) to 70-80, small white spots remain along the original LINE.

How do people deal with this problem? --- by manually blackening the white spots?

Line width 2 (default) is sometimes too thin for Tolerance of 70-80.

(but there are reasons why I don't want to use thicker (3+) lines all the time.)

Is there a plugin that thickens a closed line in an inward-direction?

What is the std. way to thicken a line? (I use [stylize / Outline].)

Thank you!


May be something to do with blending :NormalBlending: :OverwriteBlending: and antialiasing :AntiAliasingOff: :AntiAliasingOn: . Try deferent settings for those.

If not, look for BoltBait's feather plugin.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

May be something to do with blending :NormalBlending: :OverwriteBlending: and antialiasing :AntiAliasingOff: :AntiAliasingOn: . Try deferent settings for those.

If not, look for BoltBait's feather plugin.

Thanks for the comments.

http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/doc/2 ... Tools.html

Turning off Antialiasing would avoid the white spots, but

I need Antialiasing for the smooth outside countour.

(The problem would be solved if I can turn off Antialiasing just for the INSIDE of the LINE and have it active for the OUTSIDE.)


BoltBait's feather plugin seems useful, but i don't think it solves my problem.

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