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Can PDN make a cube spin?

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I saw @ash’s tutorial on how to make a cube i.e. S3D#1: Different image on each sides of a cube. (EASY). I did the tut, a dice and a Rubik’s cube, not as good as the ones I saw there, but I’m quite happy about them. Can anyone tell me how can I make a cube spin/rotate, is there a plugin for it?

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Unfortunately, because Paint.NET is not a 3D image editor, it is very difficult to rotate 3D-looking objects after finalization. The best solution would be to re-do the cube and spin it in Shape3D before finalizing it.

I saw picture spinning cubes made by @MetalAngelz and by @sleightly magic. I cannot post in the thread cause it's locked.

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@Simon Brown-

I found and downloaded AnimGIF.zip, unzipped it and put it in the Paint.NET\Effects folder, with the other effects. Some questions: Do I have to save each layer as .gif file type? How many layers would I need (don’t shock me)? I don’t think I have to flatten the layers. Will it animate only in PDN? Anyway I need all the help that you can give me. Thank you.

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Ok what I did till now is this: 1. d/l AnimGIF.dll and put it in Paint.NET\FileTypes. 2. d/l

download the "library/command line" file from this site. Then unzip it, open the "apng" folder and copy "apng.jar" to your "Paint.NET user files" folder.

and yes I tried to save a file and there are options to save in .agif and .apng.

But still I cannot find it to run it

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OK I got that. I have an animated file; I changed its file extension from .gif to .agif and open it in PDN, perfect got every single frame in different (nameless) layers then tried to save it as .apng and got this error. Each frame is 50x37 pixels.


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