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I tried search already and I got “No suitable matches were found".

Now I tried search in and again I got “No suitable matches were found.”

Then I tried search in and I got “Search found 8 matches”, one of them was mine and in the other 7 (Forum: General Discussion & Questions Topic: Request. Pol2Rect + Rect2Pol) I found nothing regarding downloading the rect2pol plugin.

What can I do now?

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@Oma -

Thank you for everything. I read all you correspondence ;). Two days ago I checked MadJik list of plugins and didn’t find it. Even now I gave it another try and sill didn’t find it, obviously I was looking for the rec2pol plugin. After your last posting I looked for the Polar transformations plugin and there it was starring me in the eye. Thank you again.

@ pyrochild –

Thank you. Both your links lead me to the same object. Again thank you.

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nakis, you will need to review the Rules before posting again, especially #6. It reads that topic titles must be descriptive. This in order for both the right user to see your problem and help more efficiently, and more importantly, for a clean and organised Forum; imagine if the Forum was littered with 'Plugin!' and 'request!!!!', searching would become difficult to say the least.

Because of this, I'm going to lock your topic. This doesn't stop you from posting again, in fact, we'd be more than happy to extend the hand of help when you need it, as has been done already :).

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