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(sorry for redoing this one admins please delete the one you locked as i only got one possible answer before it was locked due to my bad title)here was the original...

I Used to play a game called Stronghold 2, well i still do.... anyway im fairly new to pdn only a week or so, however my skill gets better every day. On a site related to sh2 (http://www.stronghold-knights.com) the admin posted a loading screen (you can change the default) that looked like this...


The question is is it possible to get that crystal effect on pdn? , after a bunch of pm's and emails i got ahold of the admin and he said he used photoshop and paint to do this but i have yet to figure out if the crystal effect for pictures is possible.

So either pm me email me (jcc.93@hotmail.com) talk to me on msn or make a tut explaining how i could do this it would be much appreceited.


Thanks for pointing to my tuts, however...looking at the sample image.

Find crystal image to your liking. (Or you can try to make one following my tut)

Then on new layers use this tut viewtopic.php?f=35&t=26970

To fade/blend all the images together.

Merge all the layers besides the crystal layer.

Lower the alpha of that layer.

Now you should see both the images and the crystal.

Good luck.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]


thanks ash, unfortunatly i still havn't gotten the chance to try this out been busy doin tuts and learnin i forgot to have some fun and experiment :mrgreen:

edit: k i tryed out what you suggested and this is what i came up with...



I just had an idea and I like to make things from scratch so naturally I try to make the crystal.

I might do a tut later on when I have more time and if people are interested :)

I'll give some hints for now.

Shape3d, try my shape3d box mode tut to get different images on each side.

Either use search to find my tuts or links in my googlepage.

And then in my gallery, I taught a method using shape3d to Blooper.

Find it in my gallery.

Good luck.



All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]


thanks ash looks good but can you strech that out and put in multiple pics?, and ill look into figuring it out

Great job though you oviously know so much more then me^^


If you read the artist comment on the dA page (click on the thumbnail), then you see I was being lazy and only used 1 image and 1 angle shape3d. And that's why I asked you to look into my shape3d tut which will teach you how to put different images on each side.

Good luck.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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