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Layer Saver is great. Can someone explain to me how to create an animation with .gif after reloading the .pdn file?

I've tried saving each layer in .gif but then it asks to flatten, tried unchecking the layer and duplicating but I

can't find the procedure. Thanks.

Is it me --or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?


Thanks brad.pike. But is there an easier way than what I'm doing listed below.

1) Loading the "Layer Saver" file that I created.....say it has a mere 4 layers.

2) Leave layer 1 checked and uncheck all the others.

3) Save layer 1 as a .gif file

4) PDN ask to flatten...I check OK because this is the only way to get the .gif file saved.

5) All my layers are gone.


6) Reload the "Layer Saver" file I created.

7) Leave layer 2 checked and uncheck all other layers

7a) Save Layer 2 as a .gif file

9) PDN ask to flatten...check OK.....again all my layers are gone.

Some animated files are up in the hundreds and I'd hate to go through saving each layer

just as I explained above. Am I making any sense ? There's got to be a better way.....???

Is it me --or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?

Thanks brad.pike. But is there an easier way than what I'm doing listed below.

1) Loading the "Layer Saver" file that I created.....say it has a mere 4 layers.

2) Leave layer 1 checked and uncheck all the others.

3) Save layer 1 as a .gif file

4) PDN ask to flatten...I check OK because this is the only way to get the .gif file saved.

5) All my layers are gone.


6) Reload the "Layer Saver" file I created.

7) Leave layer 2 checked and uncheck all other layers

7a) Save Layer 2 as a .gif file

9) PDN ask to flatten...check OK.....again all my layers are gone.

Some animated files are up in the hundreds and I'd hate to go through saving each layer

just as I explained above. Am I making any sense ? There's got to be a better way.....???

No, there is not. Unfortunately.

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.


i agreed.. dosn't like that to i can't understand peoples that have made 500 frames+ gif's in the animated GIF tutorial forum.. :S


Simplicity ftw!

...is there an easier way than what I'm doing...

Yes. That's what layer saver is for. I'll post a few screen shots in a minute so you know how to do it.

This is how you do it:

1. Make your PDN and a folder (organisational reasons). I'm gunna call mine 'Ball'


2. Load your new PDN ('Ball') into Layer Saver and use these settings*


3. Open UnFREEz, highlight your new gif files, and drag them into UnFREEz


3a. Make sure that the layers are in their proper order. My 6,7, and 8 were in the wrong place so I had to highlight and drag them again

4. Shower me with praise


I haven't used layer saver many times (this mini-tutorial was the second time I've used it) so I may have done some things that were unnecessary like naming the layers 1,2,3 etc.

*possibly/probably with minor adjustments in the names of 'File' and 'Folder'


Thanks brad.pike. You're a life saver. This is a great plugin for animation.

I ran across a animation that 250 layers/frames in it. If I can find it, I'll post

the picture in PDN(hope it will run). Have a good day and thanks again

Here is one I made using Layer Saver...


Is it me --or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?

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