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paint.net file extension vs. content


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By mistake I figured out that the rule 'paint.net does only load an image if the image filename has the correct extension' is not always true.


Renaming a .jpg to .bmp still loads the file. I guess this is the case because both extension use WIC to decode the file and WIC identifies the file by content and not by extension.


We will not tell this users 😉


midoras signature.gif

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This is how WIC does things, if you allow it to.


When I originally converted over everything to WIC in PDN 4.2, I did not enable this. I then got a lot of "bug reports" from users that they couldn't open various files. As it turns out there is A LOT of software out there that does things like saving PNGs as BMPs, or JPGs as PNGs, etc. So I just reenabled it and everyone's happier that it just works.


However, PDN won't know how to import the metadata (EXIF etc.) in many of these cases, as it still binds the metadata handling with the FileType which is based on the file extension.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Not respecting the embedded color profile can be problematic in some very rare cases.


The test image taken from here: https://www.donationcoder.com/forum/index.php?topic=9529.0


I also tried this image with Windows 98's pbrush.exe and it shows the correct colors 😆 Something must have been gone very wrong with WIC. I wonder why.



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That's a little bit strange because the Windows FileExplorer shows it like the third image. And I guess the the FileExplorer uses also WIC. Maybe icm is not enabled. paint.net 4.2.16 and the 4.3 beta shows it like the second one, which seems to be fine. And the What's it plugin identifies it as jpeg 😉


I have to correct the first sentence. It only gets the green touch on my second monitor on the main one it looks fine.

midoras signature.gif

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I've just checked this on my friend's Windows 10 build 1607 and it shows correctly. Chrome still shows the same brighter colors which has nothing to do with WIC. Something might be broken on my Windows then. I'll check this.



It turns out my default device profile has been changed to something I don't recognize. Switched back to sRGB and it shows correctly now.

Edited by otuncelli
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