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Creating a perspective grid

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has anybody a tip how to create a perspective grid laying in the ground? I tried to graw a normal grid and then skew it using the "Rotation Zoom", but the quality of the result is really lacking due to the extreme angle, and the fine lines on the left and right parts of the image are just single dots instead of a faded line, because Paint.NET naturally does not understand the continuous nature of lines and rather relocates single pixels to very far locations until they are so faint they disappear, leaving gaps in the lines.


To see what I mean, use the following steps:


  • Open a new image, default resolution will do.
  • Create a second layer.
  • On that layer, draw vertical, 1px wide black line in the 25th column.
  • Copy that line and translate it by 50px (Ctrl+Right x5).
  • Repeat that until you filled the whole image.
  • Now skew the layer using the "Rotation Zoom" with these settings:
    0.00 / -90.00 / 89.00 /// 0.00 / 0.40 /// 1.35 / True / False


I now used that output to draw the lines by hand, using the dots merely as marker where the lines should start and head them towards the vanishing point, then apply a transparency gradient for the whole image to make them "fade" in the distance. But I wonder, if there's an easier way to achieve this?

Edited by LWChris
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On 4/18/2018 at 4:53 PM, Pixey said:

Hi @LWChris I haven't tried this on a grid, but might this Plugin be of use?


Hi Pixey,


I think "Tilt Shift" is for the other way round. If I got an image with an perspective grid in it, I can tilt shift it to "remove" the vanishing point or making it appear like a really far away point. Thus it looks as if the image would just cover a really small field of view, thus giving the viewer the impression of a miniature land being photographed. Really nice footage for understanding this effect is the unofficial video for deadmau5's track "71c" on YouTube.


Thanks for the reply, but alas, that's not the plugin I am looking for.

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On 4/18/2018 at 6:18 PM, AndrewDavid said:

Hi @LWChris

Have a look at this plugin as well


It wont create a grid but it will help you draw your lines. Hope this helps


This looks a bit more like it, but I think for the thickness I want the grid lines to have, and for the number of lines I need, it would end up being more work using this tool than simply drawing them myself; especially, since I need the "horizontal" lines as well, anyway...

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