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New and a bit stuck

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Hi Im new to paint.net BUT I love it. Its Free well im donating some cash for the work as I like to help Open source software but its fantastic!

Ok to the point its a basic one I hope.

Im trying to do this tutorial


Now in the first image it appears he has the whole of the background transparent?

How do I do that, I know it might seem simple and Iv been fiddling for over an hour before asking druving me nuts as it would How has he done it?

Thanks In advance.


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  1. [*:1v9x6fmg]File > New
    [*:1v9x6fmg]Edit > Select All > Delete

Alternatively you can use shortcuts, i.e. Ctrl + A then Delete.

Also, i suggest you read the rules, specifically #6; there is a big orange box near the top of every topic that links to the rules, and when asking for help on a tut, it helps to post in the tuts own thread.

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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Cool thats helped me out.

Didnt mean to offend anyone will take another read at the rules, funny thing I posted in here cos I didnt want to post in the tut one as I thought I would break the rules Ill have another read.

Anyway just want to say thanks for the help it worked.

Now to start a bit more learning :)

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