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High Res Icons

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Dude. I'm not saying it's bad because it's change. I'm very much open to change! They are just my own observations, and I really do want to like them, but I don't, and that's my constructive criticism of the new icons. I like the focus on better supporting high DPI displays, and I'm a long time fan of paint.net.


It's just my opinion.

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Your constructive criticism wasn't very constructive. It's full of unsubstantiated opinions, commands, and universal statements. "This looks terrible", "purple is bad go back to blue", "what is this ribbony thing", "you tried too hard", etc. Honestly you really do come off like a total ...... peanut gallery season ticket holder.


I just spent two months working on these and I'm very happy with how they turned out -- put simply, I disagree with you and see nothing in your post that I'll be following up on, other than keeping an eye on feedback regarding contrast with Dark Theme. Take some time to let your brain get used to them. It's fine if you have opinions, but you really need to work on your presentation of them.


(regarding specifically "what is this ribbony thing" ... do you even remember what the old icon was? what was it, nobody knows... some kind of flying bird made out of water droplets...? Do you know how hard it is to find a decent icon for "Dents" ?! The effect makes swirly thingy things, so the best icon I found was Icons8's "water park" icon https://icons8.com/icon/34778/water-park where I removed parts of it and changed the color. *shrug* It doesn't really matter 😂)

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Maybe I should work on my presentation. I'm highly passionate about the project and I honestly do not like the icons. I mean, there's some good stuff in there, but I think it could be better.


Also the whole 'keep the colours the same' thing is more about muscle memory than any sort of feelings about the colour purple.

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  • 7 months later...
On 3/16/2019 at 9:03 AM, Elttob said:

Maybe I should work on my presentation. I'm highly passionate about the project and I honestly do not like the icons. I mean, there's some good stuff in there, but I think it could be better.


Also the whole 'keep the colours the same' thing is more about muscle memory than any sort of feelings about the colour purple.

Suggest alternatives? Or read Ruskin. Tomes containing pages of copious explanation as to why they don't like stuff!

For me, they are fabulous, and @Zagna, is a link to the page enough for attribution? Thanks.

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