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Resize and Shape Picture for Locket?

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Hello, my daughter has a small locket and I would like to put a picture of us in it and am having issues resizing this to fit a heart shaped frame.  The locket is 14mm in width at the widest part (of the heart shape) and 15mm in height.  I know how to resize the picture I want, however is there an easy way to cut it (or view it) in the shape of a heart that I may specify the size of (perhaps through a plug-in)?


Also, I have always wished Paint.NET would allow for more printing options.  Unless I'm missing something simple here too, I can only print full page photos, 4x6, 5x7, etc.  I don't see how I can print the picture at the size that it actually is!  I want to be able to print from Paint.NET for quality as I'm currently copying/pasting the image into Word and am losing quality.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Kind Regards,


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There is a heart shape included in the default Shapes (bottom right)




Use that on a new layer above your image to create a clipping mask. Select outside the heart with the magic wand then highlight the image layer and press delete




Hide the heart layer and save as a PNG.


for extended printing options, try this plugin


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@Ego Eram Reputo - Thank you very much!!  Your instructions worked great! I really appreciate it.


I have one more question that I'm hoping you might be able to help me with.  This photo has a black background and even though we are clearly visible in the picture, I would like to get rid of the black background (basically cut us out) and have a white background.  if I try using the magic wand  to do this, much of our hair (which is also dark) gets selected no matter how I adjust the tolerance.  Is there a way to do this (either through changing color somehow or correctly cut us out so the selection doesn't get into our hair)?  Thank you again for your time and assistance.


Kind Regards,



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Difficult to say without seeing the image. You could try one of the color removal plugins (Kill Color, Grim Color Reaper, Color Clearer, Color Cut, Color To Alpha....,)

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