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Hi all,

I am exhausted, I have just spent a long time trying to figure this out with every program from Gimp to paintshop pro (trial version). It should be simple but I don't have a clue. :shock:

Basically I want to protect a logo I have paid to have created. Now I know there is technically probably no way to protect it 100% but all I want to be able to do is stop the average person from right clicking it and saving it, without disabling right click altogether.

I have been told the simplist way to do this is to place a transparent gif over the top so that when some tries to save it they will get the transparent gif instead.

Is this right?

And if so, how do I do I have spent ages trying to figure this out.

I have searched this forum and am sure the answer must be hear somewhere but can't seem to find it.

can someone point me in the right direction, even if it is just to a tutorial that will tell me how to do this.


Hello joe cool.

EDIT: just seen oma's reply, try both her's and mine.

Ah, it sounds as though you want to watermark your logo, yes? This is quite doable in Paint.NET. You will want to create a new layer, type your text onto the layer, lower the opacity of the layer via its Properties dialog (Layers > Layer Properties) to a suitable level, then you have the choice to flatten (Image > Flatten) the layer downwards into the source image.

If you already have a watermark in mind, a prepared image or symbol, then instead of creating a new layer and typing out your text, you can go to Layers > Import from File and follow it through to import that select graphic.

You will see that having the watermark on its own layer gives a decided amount of control over how the watermark is appear on your logo, you can vary the amount of opacity as desired, for example - do you want a strong marking or a weaker one? As you said yourself, though, no watermark or copyrighting means will 100% protect your work when using graphic applications such as Paint.NET or the GIMP; people could easily remove it. However, it can offer the mild deterrent you are looking for.

I realise you have searched for the answer but it was of little use if you're unknowing of the correct term or group thereof for the action. As you may now find, we have both a tutorial and a plugin to automate this.


Actually, it sounds like he wants to place a transparent image on a higher z-index on a web page so they can see the actual image behind it but can't right-click and Save As to get at it.

If so, this would be more of a web design thing than a Paint.NET thing. To make the transparent GIF overlay, you'd just have to make a new image, delete the background, and save it as a GIF.

As far as the web tech to do it, there are several ways to do overlays like that - it all depends upon how you lay out your gallery. Do you have a link to your site?

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