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How do I use plugins?

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So, I installed a plugin, and I have the .dll for it, but what do I do with it? Where is the effects folder for paint.net? Also, once I have it in paint.net, how do I use it? I'm kind of a noob, so any help is appreciated.


The plugin I have is the "Object Bevel" plugin.

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Having the .dll isn't installing it, you need to copy the .dll into Paint.NET's Effects folder. That's usually Program Files>paint.net>Efffects on your system disk.

Once it's copied into that folder, run Paint.Net, and Object Bevel will be in the Effects>Object menu.


EDIT: Original comment moved to the proper place, I see.

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ToxicNutella requested the topic locked. 
This is a most excellent plugin. Yes, sometimes things jut get too hard. The author understands this & has been kind enough to give a great explanation on how to get the best out of it here - Object Bevel
Any further questions on that plugin should also be directed to that thread.
Therefore, as requested, I am locking this thread.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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