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I just have a couple of suggestions, that aren't really all that major I think.

1) I don't really find the transparency all that nice. It's actually frustrating. I can understand the fascination with it, but for me it equates to the HTML blink tag. Fun to implement. but not really helpful in any way.

2) There doesn't seem to be a fast way to set the opacity of the brush you are drawing with, or any way other than layer opacity. Unless I'm missing it? in any case it feels like something that should be up by Brush Width.




1) I don't really find the transparency all that nice. It's actually frustrating. I can understand the fascination with it, but for me it equates to the HTML blink tag. Fun to implement. but not really helpful in any way.

It helps a lot when you are zoomed into the image and want to see behind the floating windows without pressing F5, F6, F7, or F8.

2) There doesn't seem to be a fast way to set the opacity of the brush you are drawing with, or any way other than layer opacity. Unless I'm missing it? in any case it feels like something that should be up by Brush Width.

The other way to set brush opacity is in the Color toolbar when you press "More > >". It is under "Transparency - Alpha". And yes, there isn't a really fast way to do it.



Brush opacity is essentially broken right now; try it, you'll see. And yes that's on our Big List Of Things To Make Way Better.

The translucency does serve a purpose other than "neat-o"-ness, but hey if you don't like it then just turn it off with the Window -> Translucent menu command.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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just turn it off with the Window -> Translucent menu command.


Next up, is I just noticed my 3 instances of paint.net are fighting over my procs, and taking up ~100% cpu total. Appears to be due to the crawling ants around a pasted image.


alt-printscreen soemthign into the clipboard.

paste into paint.net (queue cpu spike).

continue to work (I was moving the image around and zooming in).


I've also noticed that the crawling ants borders really eat up the processor. It really kills when I'm selecting something intricate in a photograph...


me too, everything on my computer's slow, is there a way to print a picture without having to use a design style? i wanna make it original size and it gives me a lot of junk and i cant disable crop and resize and rotate and stuff T_T. OH NOW my internet explorer wasn't responding@!


I built my first computer at age 11!

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