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Will there be an online version of Paint.net in the future?


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Acrobat have created several apps for people to use online, such as Buzzword, and I was wondering if there will be an online version of Paint.net in the near future.

Since PDN has been written in C#, won't it be possible to use C# and WPF?

I know Flash has been used to create Buzzword, but an online version of PDN is a good idea, especially when someone can't install it because they don't have administrator rights- like at a college/school or work place, even though they might need it.

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There are multiple reasons as to why Paint.NET will never go online, at least by Rick's hands. Namely because Rick is one man, and Paint.NET is - for the most part - developed by one man. Changing Paint.NET to use WPF would require some major rewrites, then it would cost money to host it on a server, and then storage for saving, and incredible amounts of bandwidth. Plus, Rick is a smart man and knows that we want v4.0 first.


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Making it online would be a bad move imo. It's slower and less workflow friendly than just using it locally. If you don't have admin rights you can always burn a Paint.NET bootable CD as described on http://dextut.com

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then it would cost money to host it on a server

I don't see it costing any more than it does now. Remember that WPF is a client-side platform and applications are stored on the user's computer after first download.

Sabrown, what is one of the reasons Rick hasnt decided to host a forum on his server? Because his server isnt prepared for that type of thing. And if the GetPaint.NET server is not prepared for a forum, who says it is prepared to run an application for thousands of users seemingly at once? And he isnt talking about client side, he is talking about Paint.NET through a web browser if I am correct.


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