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Alpha Mask Debris

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I like using the Alpha Mask plug-in because I always get clean edges. However, I've noticed that the layer I use the mask on, there is sometimes some "debris" left over after I use the Alpha Mask. What I mean is that if I use the magic wand at a tolerance of 0%, it will still select part of the image that used to be there so that means there is still some of it there. How do I use the Alpha Mask and NOT have any of this left-over "debris"?

I just now figured out that this only happens when I choose to invert the mask. I just now tried it with the actual mask inverted and not the "invert mask" option chosen and it worked fine with no debris. Hmm..

Well, I'll appreciate any comments. Thanks, you guys.

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That is because using the alpha mask plugin only adjust the alpha value for a pixel, there is still distinctions for the R G and B value.


Fixing this in the plugin would require a rewrite that makes the change of the color information proportionate to the change of the alpha values based on the percentage of difference from the original alpha value...I think.

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I have found that when a non-programmer offers an idea for a fix, it always get on actual programmers nerves and makes them work even harder to figure out what the REAL problem is... That said, I have no idea if what I said would work...lol


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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