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Everything posted by rizal23

  1. Wow great tutorial. But I think the effect of color is less similar to the original, because the original color is the color that looks less smooth. makasi for the tutorial and sharing it.
  2. It's a texture similar to concrete reality. A good tutorial.
  3. Wow great tutorial. Thanks for the tutorial, it will be my inspiration in the work.
  4. Wow great tutorial glass. I like it. Thanks for the tutorial, it will be my inspiration in the work.
  5. Wow great tutorial text. I like it, that's good because the selected color matching. Thanks for the tutorial, it will be my inspiration in the work.
  6. A good tutorial. I like it but how about a planet that we make it just a line or a colored cloud like planet Jupiter and the rings are not one color only? Thanks for the tutorial and the file, it will be my inspiration in the work.
  7. A good tutorial. I like the second one but the color is less bright, how about if it replaced a brighter blue color. Thanks for the tutorial, it will be my inspiration in the work.
  8. A good tutorial Oma. Thanks for the tutorial, it will be my inspiration in the work.
  9. Wow. It really helped in my tutorial. Thanks for "PDF". vBulletin Community Forum
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