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Posts posted by null54

  1. 3 hours ago, huyi7 said:

    Please see if you can figure out what's wrong. Thank you!


    The issue appears to be that Graphics32 fails to write the 3 DWORD color masks after the header that are required for 32-bit bitmaps that use BI_BITFIELDS compression.

    DIBV5content_modified.bin works because it has 12 bytes of padding after the header, matching the size of the 3 DWORD color masks that Paint.NET skips over when reading the image.


    Quoting from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapv4header:



    If the bV4Compression member of the BITMAPV4HEADER is BI_BITFIELDS, the bmiColors member contains three DWORD color masks that specify the red, green, and blue components of each pixel. Each DWORD in the bitmap array represents a single pixel.


  2. 19 minutes ago, Lemonade said:

    What does Abort button do? I can't figure out, when I press Abort, smudge/brush is disabled. After that, all I can do is choose OK or Cancel buttons.


    It stops the current rendering operation, that feature was added in Smudge version 2.0:

    On 12/25/2008 at 8:57 PM, pyrochild said:

    -Added an Abort function to interrupt the currently rendering smudge

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Marilynx said:

    This is the Zip as I DL it from www.brusheezy.com. I opened the zip and removed the file. But somehow, after I put in the same folder as the dll, it got permanently associated with being opened by PDN, and I cannot undo that as far as I can determine.


    I am able to open that file, and all the brush images load correctly.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Marilynx said:

    How do I make this non-transparent?


    Add ff to the start of each color, e.g.:




    The Paint.NET palette colors consist of 8 hexadecimal digits in ARGB format, the first 2 characters set the transparency for the color.

    More details can be found in the comments at the top of the DefaultPdn.txt palette.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 hours ago, HankP said:

    So, are those 5-6 Attributes that I see in Details the ONLY Attributes that can be stored in a PDN file, or are others available?


    Those are the only attributes (metadata) that Paint.NET provides to Windows Explorer, the format can store all of the same metadata as a JPEG file.

    Note that Paint.NET does not currently have any method for users to edit the metadata that is stored in a PDN file.


    2 hours ago, HankP said:

    Lastly, does anyone know a good utility program for modifying file Attributes?   I have found SEVERAL utilities that let you change very basic stuff like "Date Last Accessed," but I cannot find a utility that lets you access more-esoteric Attributes (e.g. F-Stop on a photo file).


    The best tool I know of is ExifTool.

  6. 2 hours ago, Disk4mat said:

    Is this project still active?


    It is.


    2 hours ago, Disk4mat said:

    The latest version on GH works pretty well for older PSP versions but has some trouble with newer file versions.


    What is the issue you are having with images from the newer PSP versions?

    If it is failing to load the image, I will need a sample file to try and reverse engineer the format changes.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Exryt said:

    I also tried to force Uninstall it and it didn't work either, (with windows R) this is the error message


    Sounds like you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation:




    Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net anew.


  8. 5 hours ago, shoulders said:

    On the plugin page you could add a input box that would allow the end user to use there own switches. This would allow them/me to play with the libwebp/cwebp settings.


    I am not doing that.

    I would have to write and maintain my own version of the cwebp switch parsing code, which is way too much work for a feature that very few users need.


    Yours is only the second request I have received to expose the advanced cwebp options in the plugin UI, the other one was from someone who needed to set the 'partition_limit' switch when saving an image that was close to the WebP maximum image size.

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