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Posts posted by csm725

  1. That is a unique opinion, I've definitely never heard that before. Previously, millions, if not billions, of people had been saying things like, "Bold move there csm725, ditching the border. I like it, it's sexy." and "Woah man. If you had added a border it would have been as ugly as a monkey face. Good call."

  2. Yes, png is the best. But lets say your final size is 800x600, resize (Ctrl-R , Image>Resize) it to 3200x2400. Do everything, save as a .pdn file to preserve layer information (just incase you wanna edit later), flatten, and resize back to 800x600. This looks much smoother and I recommend doing it- it is a healthy habit for multi-core processors ;) .

  3. Nice and welcome to the forum.

    I will save barbieq some work and say this:

    Always work at 4x your final size and resize down later. Optional is a Gaussian Blur of 2. Also, be sure to keep everything in layers and save a .pdn file.

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