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Posts posted by csm725

  1. Hi again,

    I know this isn't the first mouse issue I've been posting, but here it is:

    Let's say I have black as my prim. color and white as my secondary. As you all know, to draw with the secondary color you right click.

    I open PdN, default canvas, bla bla bla. Inverted colors, so now the canvas is black. If white is my primary color, it draws fine. However, whenever I set white as my secondary color and right-click, it doesn't pick up my mouse strokes and only draws a dot at the beginning and end of my stroke.

    I have tried the built-in mouse on my laptop and an external device - same issue.

    Any function that requires right-clicking also doesn't work, i.e. drawing an ellipse with your secondary color.

    Running Win7 64 bit and PdN v3.5.4

  2. <P><P>Color utility - Screenshot of Colors Window used for guide (EDIT: Added the words 'for guide' to clear that up)

    Layers - based on Color utility

    EDIT 2- To whomever it may concern, the 'Effect' color is the color used in effects. I've always wanted PdN to have a feature like that. ;)

     </P><P>colorwheelwsc.pnglayerwheelwsc.png  </P><BR></P>

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