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About zarathoustra

  • Birthday 03/12/1984

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  1. I mean, you should have a word document, with a section for every piece of text to translate containing (a) screenshot(s) of forms where it appears, the english text to translate and a paragraph explaining the context (what it means, how do you get to that form, to what form you will go, what is the form for, if it's a button, what will happen when you click the button, etc... no need to be exhaustive, but complete enough so that the translator doesn't have to wonder what the english text really mean). You could also have an excel doc with all translations. A column with string ids and one with culture codes. Like: ........................... en_US ..... en_UK ...... fr_fr strUploading Uploading... Uploading... Envoie en cours... strSave Save strQuit Quit etc... Ideally, you'd have a package for translators, with everything they need to translate, and procedure explaining what they should return to you and how.
  2. "fr:show x-axis edges=Afficher les bords de l'axe X" "fr:show y-axis edges=Afficher les bords de l'axe Y" These are not correct. If you write that, a french might wonder "Qu'est-ce que c'est que les bords d'un axe?". Actually, the concept of "edges of an axis" is bit new to me. If it means "show horizontal/vertival edges", then it is "Afficher les bords horizontaux/verticaux". "fr:uploading" is not easy. "Téléchargement" means both "uploading" and "downloading" (if you analyse the word it's like "remote loading"), so it's technically correct, however it's predominantly used for "downloading", so it's probably not a good translation. You can say "téléchargement montant" but it's rarely used, and sounds very much technical. "Hébergement" rather means "hosting". I think you'd better say "Envoyer vers" (send to) or "Mise en ligne" (put online). It'd be good to have screenshots and a small text about it in order to translate them better.
  3. Thanks for the pictures, but i'm not working on this plugin for now. It was just a proof of concept. It shows that the technique in the paper I got can be successfully (and easily) implemented and gives good results and also that it's not fast enough for realtime unlike what the paper's authors said. Because they are implemented as filters, the interactivity is terrible, and luminosity is altered several times. It would be much nicer as a tool, in pdn's tool bar or with a canvas window like pyrochild's plugins. I'm not working on that now. Maybe later... who knows...
  4. Fixed. The plugin is published in the plugin publishing forum though... This was beta.
  5. This isn't completly exact. It was reported dark clouds of pure evil began to surround people's home, and gobelins attacked computers after .Net 4 have been installed by people. Virgins had to be sacrified for that matter. This is a serious thing. Really.
  6. I can get that, but it's not as perfect as your avatar.
  7. I get something similar by removing edge thining and changing thresholds.
  8. Here is what a got with a canny edge detector on that picture (it's a bit downscaled). I used the tool at http://matlabserver.cs.rug.nl/
  9. Yes, that's what my code does too, i inverted the output, to make it easier too compare to your output. Actually, gradients are vectors whos direction indicates the direction of the highest rate of change, and whose magnitude indicates the strength of the changes. If you set pixel values to the magnitude, you get i picture like mine, but with edge in white. Your technique detects edges because gaussian blur average colors around one pixel, so if you have a uniform area, the average tends to keep a close value to the original, but if you have an edge, the color is much more affected by different colors surronding it, so when you compute the difference, you can see edges. Sounds like an esoteric technique, but works I think what you want is a canny edge detector. It's like a 20y.o. cutting edge edge detector. First, you apply a gaussian blur to take out high frequency noise. Second then you apply a simple edge detection algo like sobel, or something else. Then you apply one more pass that takes out non maximum edges. Then there's a step called thresholding with hysteris (i didn't try to find out this step, but it can't be so hard, that gets you your binary picture). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canny_edge_detector
  10. Your filter does edge detection + binarization. I attached the result of your code without thresholding, and the result of mine. I didn't publish it yet, but basically it implements the sobel operator ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobel_operator ). I was wondering how you got that idea of computing some kind of gradients using gaussian blur ?
  11. Gabor filter v1.1 (2010-03-04) GaborFilter.2010-03-04.zip
  12. Gabor filter v1.0 (2010-02-21) GaborFilter.2010-02-21.zip
  13. You can download Gabor filter now. (Updated 2010-03-04) Gabor filter This plugin applies an edge detector filter to the picture. It lets you choose the wavelength and the angle of edge detection. Supperposition of four angles:
  14. Color Inpainting v1.0 (2010-02-21) ColorInpainting.2010-02-21.zip
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