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Posts posted by barbieq25

  1. Mossy would be a good theme if we could get this thing back up & running.

    Pyrochild, I'd gathered that from the comments in the forum. Since you a a MOD now, please enlighten us as to our next step. Do we call for someone to take over?

    Anyone want the job?

    Dear Flip, thanks for hosting this contest for as long as you did. It was growing, I thought. I am disappointed that you didn't see it through to the end of this one at least.

  2. Man of Water looks interesting. Cool concept!

    As for adding to the first post, that is a good idea. I've set my gallery out so that the new images are at the very top & I have a title bar for the different categories. I used Goonfella's concept & there are a few others that have done that too. Makes for a clean gallery.

    Good to see you trying out new things.

  3. Not sure which tute it was but there was one that explained it. Noise isn't lazy.

    I'd be inclined to reduce the noise, & make some blank spots by using the eraser (I think that's what the tute said & it may have been by Flip). On a new layer do the same but reduce the noise way down & use OUTLINE OBJECT to make the stars a bit bigger. Stretch the layer, copy it & Outline Object again, stretch it until you have a good selection of sizes.

    You could also try Random Dots & Blur (Gaussian or Splinter or a combo of both). I've done I think one spacescape very early in my journey.

    You've got great ideas & you'll get better & better. My advice has always been to try out all the tutes because the learning is transferable & you get a better understnading of how the plugins work.

    Hope to see much more from you.

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