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Posts posted by APShredder

  1. It looks like what you did there was:

    1.) Put the picture of the baby on a separate layer.

    2.) Use a transparent gradient to fade it into the bottom image.

    So, I guess you're question is how to use transparent gradient.

    To get a transparent gradient:

    1.) Click on the Gradient tool ( :GradientTool: ).

    2.) Change :AllColorChannels: into :AlphaChannel: .

    3.) Select the type of gradient you want. Either a linear ( :LinearGradient: ), Reflected Linear ( :LinearReflectedGradient: ), Radial ( :RadialGradient: ), or conical ( :ConicalGradient: ) gradient.

    4.) Draw the gradient.

    Hope this helps. :wink:

  2. To change the color of the text -

    1.) Set the primary color as the color you want the text to be, and set the secondary color as the current color of the text.

    2.) Use the Recolor tool ( :RecoloringTool: ) to recolor the text.

    To get rid of a white background -

    1.) Use the Magic Wand ( :MagicWandTool: ) to select the white background, and press Delete on your keyboard.

    Then once you're done save a .png (otherwise it won't keep it's transparency) and you're done. :wink:

  3. can someone try and make something similar to srciptlab but not requiring any skills in scripts such as a task scheduler or task maker.this still isnt what i was talking about but nevertheless isstill useful.

    Actually ScriptLab doesn't require any knowledge of scripting or coding. All you need to do is select the effects you want to use, select the order and settings of the effects and save the file, which can be used over and over.

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