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Possum Roadkill

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Everything posted by Possum Roadkill

  1. I'm very pleased to announce that Sarkut will be taking over the Abstract of the Week competition starting on the next round. If you would be so kind as to copy him on your submissions for this round. Continue to send them to me so I can post them in the entry thread.
  2. Space Art Competition #7 Winners announced below ! THEME IS: Event Horizon, At the edge of the black hole. SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. You may post your image on any other website where you are a member (i.e. Deviant Art, PdN Fans Forum, Facebook or any other forum or website, just not on this website until the comp has concluded. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no Maximum Size. NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Event Horizon, At the edge of the black hole. Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting an Event Horizon, At the edge of the black hole. For more information, Event Horizon Worm Holes Black Holes NO STOCKS OR RENDERS ! You may however, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for DISCUSSION only ! If you want to enter this comp, please read the rules above. The Entry period for this competition run through Sunday evening (September 4th, 2010) at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  3. Space Art Competition #7 Poll is up ! Vote for best 3. Winners will be announced in the Discussion Thread. Poll ends Tuesday Evening 8:00 p.m. EDST THEME IS: Event Horizon, At the edge of the black hole. SAC Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. When they are allowed, obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. When Theme Rules allow, you must post a link to any stocks, renders, images or parts of images you did not create in Paint.net, i.e. fractals created in a fractal generator program or textures created in another program of any kind. All images must be submitted to me in a PM. Do no post your image in this thread ! Do not post your images in your gallery or any other gallery until this comp is over ! I will post your image in the poll, that is the only time your image should be seen before the voting begins. Do not sign your image or put any kind of identifiable marker or logo in your image that people will link to you. You may post your image on any other website where you are a member (i.e. Deviant Art, PdN Fans Forum, Facebook or any other forum or website, just not on this website until the comp has concluded. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no Maximum Size. NO PLACEHOLDERS! Do not send an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS (works in progress) ! No images previously submitted will be allowed. I reserve the right to add to the rules as people do things to annoy me. (See special rule # 5.) THEME IS: Event Horizon, At the edge of the black hole. Theme rules: You are to make an image depicting an Event Horizon, At the edge of the black hole. For more information, Event Horizon Worm Holes Black Holes NO STOCKS OR RENDERS ! You may however, use another program to create parts of your image i.e. Apophysis, Gimp, Incendia, Photoshop, etc. The majority of your image should be made in Paint.net. The use of other programs should be limited to the creation of textures and minor elements of your image. (Remember, Possum’s have a sixth sense about things like this, do don’t make me hunt you down. So with that in mind, special rule #5 is in effect for this competition ). This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread HERE The Entry period for this competition run through Sunday evening (September 4th, 2010) at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All ENTRIES submitted up to that time will be accepted
  4. We can say bloody potato? Holy bloody potato ! I didn't know that ! Can I get fries with that? Oh, you're using a bloody potato? Well then, nevermind. (Yeah, I saw the original word. ) I like the idea very much Mike. By the way, welcome back! Cookie? I don't know about the comp being tiered though. Here's some reasons why. I may be good at one or two things, but as we all know there are many things I'm not good at. I think most people are like that. Can you say pixel art? Not all newbies are created equal. There are some people like me that have a long learning curve while others pick things up really quick. There have been some tuts in the newbie section that I learned quite a bit from and tuts in the more advanced sections that I had already discovered the effect or technique on my own. So not all tuts are created equal. Just throwing some ideas out there. I think Mike should host it because it was his idea. I think he should choose the tut/theme for ever comp, that way we have someone who is guiding the comp through the different levels of difficulty. I think text tuts should be included. Some of my favorite effects and techniques I learned in the text effects section. Just look through some of Yellowman's tuts there. I love the idea of including Photoshop and Gimp tuts (I have like a bazillion bookmarked), that would really open it up to a whole new level where people could share how they converted a Gimp effect to a PdN effect. Wow, that would be fun !
  5. Congratulations to everyone who entered ! Beautiful images. I thought you all might enjoy this while I'm putting the next theme together. Space
  6. Entries Entry 1 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/omastyle1.png Entry 2 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/oma2.png Entry 3 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/aotwOMA3.png Entry 4 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/purplepeacock.png Entry 5 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/AutumnGold.png Entry 6 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/OmaStyle1-1.png Entry 7 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/themines08.png
  7. Entries - Winners Announced ! Entry 1 Yellowman Winner with 13 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/galaxy2.jpg Entry 3 Possum Roadkill 2nd Place with 5 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/GalaxyGlobe.png Entry 2 Falken Tie for 3rd with 4 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/ifihadaspaceship.png Entry 6 J.D. Melek Tie for 3rd with 4 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/galaxycomp.png Entry 4 Jerry533482 http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/SAC6.png Entry 5 n d http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/SAC/galaxy.png Congratulations Winners ! Thanks to everyone who entered ! Well done all !
  8. Abstract of the Week Competition # 10 Winners below ! This is the first competition dedicated to Abstract Art created in Paint.Net. Here are the rules.... Theme is Oma Style Abstract. For the past several weeks we have had a variety of themes for this abstract art competition. I think we need to let the creativity of the artists determine the abstractness of their work. You may make any abstract image you desire but this week we are looking to a master of abstract art on the Paint.net forum, Oma. Please take a few minutes to peruse through her gallery for inspiration. Oma’s Gallery. Your image can include text, shapes, colors, textures or anything in between with the exception of stock images and renders. No stock images or renders will be permitted in this comp. This competition is all about Paint.net and the artist who uses it to their creative best. Now get out there and think in abstract terms. And as always, use your imagination ! Minimum image size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum image size. Rules for submitting your entry. READ THIS ! DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY HERE. PM YOUR IMAGE TO ME. DO NOT COPY IT TO ANYONE ELSE. I WILL POST THE IMAGES IN THE COMP AS THEY ARE ENTERED. DO NOT POST YOUR IMAGE IN YOUR IMAGE GALLERY OR IN THE PICTORIUM OR ANYWHERE ON THIS SITE. No images previously submitted will be allowed. This thread is for DISCUSSION only ! If you want to ENTER this comp, please read the above rules. The Entry period for this competition runs through Sunday evening August 29th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All Entries submitted up to that time will be accepted.
  9. Abstract of the Week Competition # 10 POLL IS UP VOTE FOR 3 ! Results will be posted in the Discussion Thread. Poll closes Wednesday September 1st 7:00 EDST This is the first competition dedicated to Abstract Art created in Paint.Net. Here are the rules.... Theme is Oma Style Abstract. For the past several weeks we have had a variety of themes for this abstract art competition. I think we need to let the creativity of the artists determine the abstractness of their work. You may make any abstract image you desire but this week we are looking to a master of abstract art on the Paint.net forum, Oma. Please take a few minutes to peruse through her gallery for inspiration. Oma’s Gallery. Your image can include text, shapes, colors, textures or anything in between with the exception of stock images and renders. No stock images or renders will be permitted in this comp. This competition is all about Paint.net and the artist who uses it to their creative best. Now get out there and think in abstract terms. And as always, use your imagination ! Minimum image size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum image size. Rules for submitting your entry. READ THIS ! DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY HERE. PM YOUR IMAGE TO ME. DO NOT COPY IT TO ANYONE ELSE. I WILL POST THE IMAGES IN THE COMP AS THEY ARE ENTERED. DO NOT POST YOUR IMAGE IN YOUR IMAGE GALLERY OR IN THE PICTORIUM OR ANYWHERE ON THIS SITE. No images previously submitted will be allowed. This thread is for entries only ! If you want to discuss this comp, please go to the discussion thread. The Entry period for this competition runs through Sunday evening August 29th, 2010 at 8:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All Entries submitted up to that time will be accepted.
  10. WOTW # 22 Theme is Your Country. Winners announced below ! WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size, but keep in mind that people will want to look at your image and if it takes too long to load, they may not look at it. Please try to make your image in the proportion of a Wallpaper, because this is a Wallpaper comp. NO PLACEHOLDERS Do not post an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS ! Obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. Special rule # 5. Do not anger the Possum. WOTW # 24 Your Country. - Theme Rules. Please read this ! Theme is "Your Country" You are to make an image that exemplifies why and what you are proud of Your Country. You can include your national flag, motto, scenery, landmarks, monuments, or other things that represent your nation and why you are proud to live there. Your image can include stock images and original artwork. You can add lettering, explosions, animals or any other elements or effects you want, but please keep it tasteful. DO NOT Post your entries in this thread. PM your entries to me and I will post them as they come in. Entry period for this competition will run through 8:00 p.m. Saturday evening (August 28th, 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed. If you have any questions, post them in This Thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.
  11. WOTW # 22 Theme is Your Country. Poll is up ! Vote for one. Winners will be announced in the Discussion Thread Poll ends Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EDST WOTW Comp Rules: All submissions must be created in Paint.net with the exception of renders and stock photos when allowed. Minimum size is 800 X 600. There is no maximum size, but keep in mind that people will want to look at your image and if it takes too long to load, they may not look at it. Please try to make your image in the proportion of a Wallpaper, because this is a Wallpaper comp. NO PLACEHOLDERS Do not post an entry until it is a finished product. NO WIPS ! Obviously you cannot use the stocks or renders as your entire submission, so the majority of your image should be created in Paint.net. Special rule # 5. Do not anger the Possum. WOTW # 24 Your Country. - Theme Rules. Please read this ! Theme is "Your Country" You are to make an image that exemplifies why and what you are proud of Your Country. You can include your national flag, motto, scenery, landmarks, monuments, or other things that represent your nation and why you are proud to live there. Your image can include stock images and original artwork. You can add lettering, explosions, animals or any other elements or effects you want, but please keep it tasteful. DO NOT Post your entries in this thread. PM your entries to me and I will post them as they come in. Entry period for this competition will run through 8:00 p.m. Saturday evening (August 28th, 2010), U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All submissions entered up to this time will be allowed. If you have any questions, post them in the Discussion Thread or PM Possum Roadkill. I would be happy to help anyone interested.
  12. I love your work. I think you will like the next theme. As with some of the best themes so far, it came with a last minute inspiration.
  13. I'm sure the artist would be happy to share some tips with everyone once the comp is over.
  14. I had forgotten about that. I know I have it somewhere. Oh ! Here it is !
  15. That's ok. I look forward to Shark Week every year on the Discovery Channel. Can you see the Great White in the letters?
  16. I'm liking it much better. You have a very good eye for composition. I liked it as soon as I saw your original and I like what improvements you have made. So these are just some suggestions I would make and by all means, it's your image, and this is just what I might have done with it. I don't make a lot of suggestions because to me things like sigs are subjective and people see things in different ways. I wouldn't be at all offended if you don't take any of my advice. So here goes.... 1. I would make the city skyline a little taller so that the tallest buildings are just lower than his shoulder. It would make him appear closer to the city skyline. That would mean you would also need to move the clouds and sun's rays up as well. This also fills some of the blank space at the top of the sig. 2. I would then move the text line "palm trees and drug stores" down to the bottom over the skyline and make the text a little larger and maybe even in a different text. Have you seen in a movie where the movie title is one font, and then there's a tag line in a plain font like Ariel? 3. I would center (move a little to the right) "Welcome to" and "Los Angeles" above the sun's rays. I think you have the ratio of the sizes of text OK. You could make them a little larger as long as it doesn't overwhelm your cityscape. 4. I would move the "LA" down a little so it's not under the text. You could also duplicate the layer and on the lower copy use outline object with an angle that creates and outline on only the edges where the sun's rays would cause a hi-lite like the sun is reflecting of the LA. Or you could leave it a single color. Either way, it adds a nice touch. So there you go. My advice and a dollar will get you a bad cup of coffee. I think it's a very good sig without changing a thing. I like the bold use of color, the skyline and the sun's rays all blend very well. Good job.
  17. Poll is up ! Vote now ! Poll will automatically close and the thread will lock on Sunday evening August 22nd at 7:00 p.m. EDST
  18. Poll is up ! Vote now ! Poll will automatically close and the thread will lock on Sunday evening August 22nd at 7:00 p.m. EDST
  19. That's not a bad idea but I've been too busy to have time to figure out how to implement it. I don't want to have to set and figure out whether or not people have the correct ratio for their image on each and every one. I know people don't realize it, but the comps take a lot of time as it is. I don't want to add any rule that adds more time to the preparation and management of the comps.
  20. OK, it looks like there are no more entries, so I'm closing the entry period. Poll will be up later today.
  21. OK, it looks like there are no more entries, so I'm closing the entry period. Poll will be up later today.
  22. I thought you had a beautiful image and I voted for it. Mine didn't seem to go over very well at all. I don't think we had any losers, just people who didn't place. I think any time you rise to the challenge and create something unique and artistic, I think you are a winner. I think everyone in the comp was a winner because despite the tough competition, everyone gave it their all and came up with a beautiful piece of abstract art. Thanks to everyone who entered !
  23. Here's who I think made each image.....oh wait, I already know ! Anyone else care to put forth a hypothesis as to the secret identity of each the artists? Entry period ends tomorrow evening, so let me know if you are working on an image !
  24. Entry 6 Welshbblue Winner 6 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/stripes.png Entry 2 St1cki3 2nd Place 5 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/aotw9.png Entry 3 Yellowman Tie for 3rd 4 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/depression.jpg Entry 5 Barbieq25 Tie for 3rd 4 votes http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/BirthofAurora.png Entry 1 Sokagirl http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/inthemiddle.png Entry 4 Ptuz http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/30542661.png Entry 7 PineappleQc http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/yuKbX.png Entry 8 J.D.Melek http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/teardrop.png Entry 9 Blackpenny http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/10_08_10_3.png Entry 10 Drgrit http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/glowzbottles.png Entry 11 Possum Roadkill http://i974.photobucket.com/albums/ae223/DeadPossums/AOTW/SpeckleEffect.png
  25. You know, that would be fun. I think I might have an advantage since I have foreknowledge of each comp, I'm getting used to seeing who does what in the various comps and the style they use. Try to guess who made what image in the SAC comp and post it in the discussion thread. Let's see how good you are.
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