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mamat last won the day on January 11 2020

mamat had the most liked content!

About mamat

  • Birthday 11/28/1980

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Awe, Thanks it was fun trying to replicate it. Congrats to everyone else too !
  2. The Picture is one I took of my friend dressed as Santa with my daughter
  3. just what i was needing..
  4. something i had come upon during my recent run through memory lane using this tutorial. i think i might redo this one for my current gaming alliance later. I know the white looks off in this one.
  5. this is the tutorial i have been dreaming of.. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj40/mamatiff06/nebula_zps4297f247.png i made my clouds dark pink and white, then added a blue filter to it.
  6. Hey there i was just wondering how do i save animated gifs using unfreeze and paint net onto my webpage itll only let me do it for jpegs ( ive never used these prog til now i have done some good ones will share when i learm how)
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