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Posts posted by Helio

  1. » Monthly Skinning Competition #9 «

    Once again, judgment comes. The procedure is simple; vote for your favorite entry in the poll above.



    This time, it's time to skin the Tube of You. Get ready for multimedia galore!

    You must have your entry submitted by 11:59pm (EST), Friday, March 28th.


    • [*:2xrsfwp5]Do not just color/recolor. That requires no skill whatsoever.
      [*:2xrsfwp5]You must have a link to all source images used in your submission. If you fail to by the end of submission time, your creation will be disqualified.
      [*:2xrsfwp5]Once you have submitted your entry, you may no longer add anything/edit your post, excepting links to source images.
      [*:2xrsfwp5]This post is for submissions only. If you would like to talk about the competition or a submission, do it
    [*:2xrsfwp5]Be courteous and kind.
    [*:2xrsfwp5]Have fun!

    Good luck!

  2. Sorry, no Polygon Selecting as of now. It is recognized under the Popular Feature Requests, but there is no ETA.

    Could you possibly give us some more information so that we can help you work around this?


    And no, this is not a British site. I'm not sure what's wrong with the time, but the lead developer lives in Washington.

  3. Monthly Skinning Competition #8


    It's time to vote!

    You know the routine. Poll above.

    Vote now; you have 'til Wednesday, March 5th.


    This round's subject is Wikipedia. You are only required to skin the Main page, but you may create as many additional articles, editing pages, etc. as you like.

    You may base it off of the main page on any date, but for the convenience of some, here is a screenshot of the main page (as of 2/3) that you may use:


    Now for the deadline...

    All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm (EST), Friday, February 22nd.


    • [*:3knm2y5m]Do not just color/recolor. That requires no skill whatsoever.
      [*:3knm2y5m]You must have a link to all source images used in your submission. If you fail to by the end of submission time, your creation will be disqualified.
      [*:3knm2y5m]Once you have submitted your entry, you may no longer add anything/edit your post, excepting links to source images.
      [*:3knm2y5m]This post is for submissions only. If you would like to talk about the competition or a submission, do it
    [*:3knm2y5m]Be courteous and kind.
    [*:3knm2y5m]Have fun!

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