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Posts posted by barkbark00

  1. Wow! That was quick!

    I'm fine with whatever works best for you. A separate plugin is better than no plugin, right? ;-)

    In your version, is there a way to control the angle of the expansion (the relative space between rings of the spiral)?

    Also, I see that it always starts displaying characters from the center. A way to control how many initial iterations are ignored would be nice.

    To be clear, I'd be happy if it was releases "as is". That screenshot looks awesome!

  2. I'm not sure how open you are to suggestions, but please consider the following...

    It would be really cool if you could add an option to generate the text along a spiral. I'm thinking maybe a "random spiral" option and then a pop-out dialog for fine tuning the spiral effect...

    MadJik has a really awesome plugin that generates spirals or "volutes" and his source IS available.

    What do you think?

  3. This doesn't seem to work, as the center of the pasted screenshot is centered in the canvas.

    When you paste a larger image into a smaller canvas you are asked if you want to enlarge or keep the current canvas size. Click the option to keep the current size.

    The selection is pasted in, and the move tool :MoveTool: automatically selected. Use the mouse (+ left button) to scroll the pasted image around to locate it where you want.

    Sorry. I left that part out...

    As long as you have the 'Move Selected Pixels' tool :MoveTool: you will be able to move the pasted selection into position...

  4. This doesn't seem to work, as the center of the pasted screenshot is centered in the canvas.

    When you paste a larger image into a smaller canvas you are asked if you want to enlarge or keep the current canvas size. Click the option to keep the current size.

    The selection is pasted in, and the move tool :MoveTool: automatically selected. Use the mouse (+ left button) to scroll the pasted image around to locate it where you want.

    Sorry. I left that part out...

    As long as you have the 'Move Selected Pixels' tool :MoveTool: you will be able to move the pasted selection into position...

  5. This is due to the way those screens are illuminated. The lamp is directly behind the screen, causing the center to be brighter than the edges. The image sensor on a camera amplifies this effect. The only way to correct this would be using some type of HDR processing using multiple exposures. Basically speaking, you would need to take 2 or more pictures using different IS0 or exposure settings and then use software to combine the best parts of each of the images.

    Wikipedia - Synthetic HDR images

  6. This is due to the way those screens are illuminated. The lamp is directly behind the screen, causing the center to be brighter than the edges. The image sensor on a camera amplifies this effect. The only way to correct this would be using some type of HDR processing using multiple exposures. Basically speaking, you would need to take 2 or more pictures using different IS0 or exposure settings and then use software to combine the best parts of each of the images.

    Wikipedia - Synthetic HDR images

  7. It's fairly benign in the US. On the level of "Darn" or "Heck." I use it in front of my mom. :-P
    I would have to agree. Leave it unless someone really has a problem.

    On Topic:

    Using Custom Brushes, you would just need to make your source image a brush and it will do exactly what you are looking for.

    Custom Brushes Mini v1.0 <--preferred

    Custom Brushes Plugin 5.1.5

    Converting Photoshop Brushes | Brush-Creation Tutorials

  8. It's fairly benign in the US. On the level of "Darn" or "Heck." I use it in front of my mom. :-P
    I would have to agree. Leave it unless someone really has a problem.

    On Topic:

    Using Custom Brushes, you would just need to make your source image a brush and it will do exactly what you are looking for.

    Custom Brushes Mini v1.0 <--preferred

    Custom Brushes Plugin 5.1.5

    Converting Photoshop Brushes | Brush-Creation Tutorials

  9. Gradients blend two(or more) colors across two points. We are dealing with 8-bit channels, so there are only so many colors to bridge the gap. This is why you are getting these jaggy results.

    IMO blurring usually makes this issue worse as it is just spreading the available colors out even more and the color groupings (lines or "bars" of a single color) start to get even bigger.

    Try Frosted Glass in low setting after the gradient.

    This is the best way to improve the way the gradient looks as it emulates dithering. I would recommend measuring the width/height of the color "bars" to determine their distance across and use that value(+/- 1, based on your preference) as the setting for Frosted Glass.

  10. This is my new favorite plugin!

    Madjik, can you can add an option for shapes other than circles(e.g., stars, squares, triangles, random)?


    Try making your primary color completely transparent and setting your secondary to something other than white. Then, turn on the circles option and set to the largest value.


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