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Posts posted by barkbark00

  1. open image in PdN, use magic wand seletor to select the white secton, the hit the delete key on your keyboard. you will have to save image as a gif or png, but IE doesn't support transparencies for the png's. Hopes that was what your looking for.

    EDIT: if there are white parts scattered throughout the pic, the press shift key while using selector wand. this will select all points in the pic that have the same(or close) value as the point you selected. to limit/extend the selction adjust the tolerence bar.

  2. I could try with the tut. there was like 3 different layers and I was just messin with all of them to see what I could get. I think there was a high contrast layer and a low contrast layer, I did a edge detect in code lab for both then combined the outcome of both, there was something in there with the original images aswell. I'll try and put something together

  3. Just want to mention that I love Paint.net, even though some people say its foolish.

    Here is My first posting


    I didn't quite follow the tuts on the subject of glass orbs, but its close. I found it easier to use the wand selector on a white circle over the base image (which is original) then do a gradient effect and radial blur in 2 quick steps. followed that up by doing a glow to give it that softer look.

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