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Posts posted by Zagna

  1. Irfanview would do that in a moment.

    If you just select File -> Batch Conversion/Rename. There simply use the same filetype as source, then you can either have the new files in a different directory or simply replaces the current ones in advanced options, Overwrite existing files.

    In the same advanced options you can find Overlay text which can put any text anywhere in the picture, including file date/time and creation date. When you go to the overlay text window, there's a Help button which shows all possible data you can use from a file as text.

    Experiment on few pictures and then use it on all of them.

  2. Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe)

    The Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) is a tool that improves the performance of managed applications. Ngen.exe creates native images, which are files containing compiled processor-specific machine code, and installs them into the native image cache on the local computer. The runtime can use native images from the cache instead using the just-in-time (JIT) compiler to compile the original assembly.

    So it just compiles an optimized build of Paint.NET for your processor.

  3. it rocks, it's a really good release! (not joking here :))

    Unless you have a HP computer with a AMD processor, then your entire computer won't work.

    Even though I have a HP computer with a Intel processor (I think), I'm still afraid of upgrading >_>

    I think you're mistaking this with XP SP3... HP's XP images had a problem because the SP3 upgrade copied over an Intel chipset file which messed the computer up, simply because AMD comp doesn't really need it.

    .NET 3.5 SP1 isn't related to it at all.

  4. The quickest and easiest alternative is to use Inkscape.

    Simply draw a path, be it anything. Write text. Select both text and path and use Text -> Set to path?. Select path and remove color. There you have it, curved text in a million ways. Just export a .png and import it in Paint.NET. You can even make the background transparent so when you export/import it you get only the text on the layer.

    Like so, took only seconds to do those, and the line can be hidden by removing its color


  5. If this site has the correct values, then you can just copy this text to a .txt file in your Paint.Net Files\Palettes folder.

    ; Paint.NET Palette File
    ; Lines that start with a semicolon are comments
    ; Colors are written as 8-digit hexadecimal numbers: aarrggbb
    ; For example, this would specify green: FF00FF00
    ; The alpha ('aa') value specifies how transparent a color is. FF is fully opaque, 00 is fully transparent.
    ; A palette must consist of ninety six (96) colors. If there are less than this, the remaining color
    ; slots will be set to white (FFFFFFFF). If there are more, then the remaining colors will be ignored.

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