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Posts posted by rlg

  1. Thanks, Scott. Being a woman, I changed my mind about using LLF! ;)  It just wasn't working for me. I think I'll go back to the 3d in maybe Gabriola (that I like plain) and see how that looks. If I remember or can find how to do a simple 3d using two colors--ie: not shadows.


    I partially skimmed through one of your links and had to smile: I love Verdana for the body of the text! Used it before and no one had trouble reading it--or they didn't mention it and believe me readers will generally be straight about what they don't like.


    When I have more time, I'll check out the other links you sent. Again Merci, beaucoup!

  2. For now I've decided to use LLF even though I had to get it to 288 to fit! Even then it was almost too small.


    do you think, as a designer, that the by line and the title should be in the same font? Differing size and color, but same font? And how does one determine that?

  3. Again, I thank you. I really like the 3d effect on 1,2, and 4 but 4 costs so that's out. This time I'm trying to do it free by doing it all myself. Last time I lost money, and never got fame ;), but I sure did get an education!


    I suppose I could 3d another script font I like. Worth a try. I like Fontleroy (like the pun in the name too). I want to try it but those curlicue "tails" on the first part of some letters may be a little much. I can however find out easily enough: download and try it. Right?

  4. Thanks for the quick reply, Ego. That's a great looking font but since my book is set in 1863 with a plantation house on the cover, I should have explained better. I need an arresting font--that would match the era.


    That's why I was thinking 3-D--or even maybe a script that's elegant but now too fancy. I'll look over your first link and maybe it will jar my memory again. Wish me luck.

  5. Well, you know what they say about good deeds--so here's your punishment! :)


    I want to do more of a standout title font and I'd thought of 3-D  but as before: unfortunately I don't remember how.


    Can anyone please steer me toward a simple tutorial for jazzing up fonts? A wet behind the ears tutorial.


    My thanks.


  6. Again, my thanks, Ishi--and to everyone who worked with me! Thankfully, my memory opened up and when I saw a question about the rectangle tool a lot came rushing back. (My memory always returns, it just takes time--sometimes a whole lot of time! ;) ) So I started over, this time strictly in pdn. And I came up with almost the same cover image--without the blurring! It turned out to be fairly simple, and although I had to lose a good bit of the picture, I was able to  finally place it where I wanted.


    And best of all, it saved in the correct pixel count!  The painting's original dimensions are 1280 W X 914 H and I ended up using Kindle's recommended 1563 W X 2500 H. I'm pleased with it. I lost the hunting dog, but kept the chickens! :)


    I only had to use the pixel mover tool so that was good too. I first made a canvas of the size I wanted, then copy/pasted the painting over it. Naturally it didn't fit, but by using that little triangle looking tool, I soon had it placed where I think it looks best for my book cover.


    Please, Everyone, accept my gratitude for your willingness to help and your patience.



  7. Ego, that is exactly what I had already done, except for checking the edit bar.


    I wonder if I would be better off--image-wise--in using the rectangular tool for cutting out the slice I cropped in MS Paint, so that perhaps it wouldn't be so blurry when I enlarged it. However, that's rhetorical. I'll leave it alone to cool for awhile.


    Meanwhile, I saw that after saving the picture as a jpg it could be "unflattened." What is the purpose of doing that--whatever it means?




  8. Ishi, you're very nice, but I have to tell you that I used MS Paint for the cropping--a mistake I now think. Also MS Paint doesn't do layers, so I definitely want PDN.


    However, I went back to the very basics--for those of us still wet behind the ears--and I think I may be able to conquer it if I study more and work from the start to do it.


    Wish me luck. I only hope this time I'll get it right! Thank you, Rick, even though you never showed your face on this thread, you did the tutorial!


    As I said, it's been a very long time and for several reasons my memory isn't so great--but I'll take baby steps and will get there.

  9. david, no apologies needed. I wasn't offended. It's just that you took it out of context. I said IF it failed to let me reply (or even in, actually--but that's cleared up) THEN I'd have to leave.


    If you know how I can resize and have it stay that way when it saves, I'll be very grateful. I cropped the painting to make it less square and more rectangular, then I tried to put it on a canvas of the size Kindle wants. I couldn't get it to work.

  10. I'm sorry but I forgot your real name, Ego or Ergo or whatever :). I tried to go with the Kindle recommendation. BUT Pdn would not save it with that size. I repeat, it would not save as a pdn in that size.


    I flattened it since the program said to, and it did save finally as a jpg. But at the smaller size also. It's a great looking cover I think. I'd like very much to be able to get it saved in the larger size. BUT it won't. Only in 500+ w and 800+ h.  Can you please walk me through how to resize. Obviously, I'm doing something wrong!


    I tried Help but couldn't find anything about the correct way to resize. I know there is going to be some blurring of the painting on the cover since it's almost square and I'm trying to make it a rectangle, but that's okay because it's an actual painting--done in 1860--and so the blurry look fits.


    If you can/will guide me, I'll be forever in your debt. And will promise to always remember your name no matter how forgetful I get.



  11. Me, again, David. I missed the second line of your post in my email. What I mean is that even after I resized it, and then tried to "save as" it in order to give it a new name so I could be sure I got the right file when it came. Only it never came. It kept going back to a smaller size. Maybe I resized it wrong, but I don't think so, but it's always possible with me such an amateur at all this.

  12. I have been going nuts as PDN wouldn't let me sign in and then froze me out--until now!


    Thanks for the answers.


    ishi, I simply tried to change the size to one I've successfully used with pdn before. The size required by Kindle for a book cover. But it wouldn't hold. So then I tried to save it over and over--each time to resize it.(and here's the thing: the size in inches shown on pdn is way too large to be what I want. I want a 6 X 9 inch cover of 1275 w X 1750 h. And actually Kindle suggests 1563 W X 2500 H and that is way HUGE on pdn)


    pixey, I did save it as a pdn, BUT when I tried to also save it as a jpeg (jpg) it wouldn't save it at all. Kept going back to pdn.


    I'm beginning to wonder if my version of pdn isn't corrupted in some way.


    I'll try to come back if you answer, but with pdn so edgy, I may not be able to.



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