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Posts posted by rlg

  1. PS. I have **never** claimed to be an artist. I accept the word amateur--but I am not a beginning writer and I'll put my writing up against almost anyone.


    As example, I challenge you to read my short read on Amazon: End of Eden. That too may look like a bad cover to you, but it's what I wanted.




    You hurt my French/southern pride! Shame. :):lightning:



  2. Dear Agent GS--you didn't tell me anything I didn't already know. That's why I came on here for suggestions. But as I said before the V. mss. can't be covered up or it loses its point.


    And also, it's a series so there are certain things that have to match the other covers.


    But most importantly--You think Dan Brown is a *serious* writer?? Ai-yie- yie!!


    Despite all that, I do appreciate your 30 minutes--seriously. Also I'll close this down because a friend of mine wanted to fool around with a new program she got and she came up with something I like and can work with.


    Her program is called Youzine and from what  I understand from its website, it works from basic templates, but uses layers and png. So I can import what I like about what she's done into pdn and go from there. I hope.


    PS. It's not the money for a pro artist, I just never could seem to get them on the same page with me. Also since this is a parody, I don't really care how professional it looks. I'm having fun. If no one else likes it--tant pis!



  3. Thank you, Daniel. I did blur the shadow but not enough I guess.


    The "outline" on the right is part of the cover of the codex and I tried to crop it out, but it was stubborn.


    As to increasing the blue, sure I'll do that.


    But I'm not sure what book you mean to increase the contrast on/in? The mss. page is the original and I didn't touch it, so how would I increase the contrast on it? I truly don't know.

  4. I know it lacks sparkle and pizzazz. But I did play around with the shadow by holding a book to the wall. Discovered that the light source made the difference and one of them did look like this.


    But I have repeatedly stressed I'm not an artist. I can do colors in decorating a room pretty well, but a cover for me is a whole nother ballgame! :/


    So please, please jump in with suggestions. I followed Fuzzy's directions and liked that I could get it to work--just not to stand out!


    The manuscript page has to stay as is as far as font color--well, maybe not. It would have been probably a pen and ink sketch. 

    But the rest of the cover is open for improvements!


    I'll be grateful--for whatever that's worth. As they say, that and $4 will get you a latte. (or will it?)




    Well, shoot! It wouldn't allow me to upload: "You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file." Why not? The little naked ladies from a six hundred year old mss?? That's in Yale U. library and in public domain?? Or because it's PDN?


    What a disappointment.

  5. My thanks to all!


    Agent Goodspeed, I guess it takes a writer to recognize what a writer is doing! :) I'm delighted you picked up on one of the things I'm parodying by indirect reference. There a others, believe me. I use a pseudonym Volk Caldera and you can find "his" books that are up so far by a quick search--should you be curious!


    Pixey, as always, thanks for taking time that I know for you is precious right now. I'll try your suggestion, but I don't want the entire page as background. It hides the BIG Clue as to how the mystery is solved!!


    And Fuzzy Huggles, I am very interested. I like the way the things have a "lifted" look. Hope I can get near what you did. Many thanks.



  6. Wise advice I'm sure, but I don't have time.


    That's why I said just something simple. Like a good background color to go with the image of the page.


    Or font color or whatever.


    This is a parody and the image itself is part of the book. And it's a mystery, so that's why the cover doesn't have to reveal any more than just itself. [if that makes sense].


    Thank you for taking the time to reply!



  7. Actually the title is Wendy's Discovery--Volume Four  of The Saga of Monterrain Souterrain by [at the very bottom of the cover] Volk Caldera. Thought I should add all of that so y'all can have a true idea of what I need.


    Also when I said keep it simple, I mean so that I who barely know the basics, can do it. No plug-ins or anything. Just something to make it stand out. Even just a good background color or whatever--an artist I'm not.

  8. Pixey suggested that I post this on the open board, so I hope it won't offend anyone.


    I'm looking for suggestions from all of you for a problem I have coming up with a cover for one of my short books.


    The thing is that I want to use a public domain pic of a page from the Voynich codex. But it is so Blah! Grey and white. So while I have to work with that pic and only the title of the book, I was hoping for some ideas from y'all on how to make it into an eye-catching cover.


    Nothing over the top. But with some color. The page is part of the solution to a BIG CENTURY OLD MYSTERY--It's a parody so forgive the caps for emphasis! :)


    The title is simply: Wendy's Discovery.


    I know that probably none--or few--of you are my implied audience, but I'm not trying to sell you the book. I'm trying ot pick your very artistic brains!


    Thanks. Now to cross my fingers that the image will load!





  9. Scott, I sure hope you're still around!


    You were right I didn't make a separate layer, but the problem was then that I made another layer to go on top in another color.


    So I had to start over. Just easier. BUT--I forgot how I did the strikethrough so I cut out the word from another cover in pdn and it was fine.


    But now I can't find what I used to do it! I'm an idiot, I admit. I had made all the surrounding background etc transparent and it worked fine. Now when I tried it again, all I got was an empty box.


    Is there now a way to do a strikethrough on pdn? I can use the fb and Twitter link but it doesn't do all that good of a job. Still it beats nothing.



  10. I was working on creating a new cover for a book and I clicked the rectangular select box and then used it to increase the size of the text I had selected.


    It appeared to be fine but for some reason a transparent box now surrounds the box. Looks very strange. Obviously, I again did something wrong.


    Thanks for your time and hopefully easy solution.




    Ps I tried to attach it but it's too big: 2.51--close but no cigar. If I knew how to get it smaller...

  11. You're really the definition of a friend in need! Thank you, AGAIN!


    But while we're on the subject, I'm curious: When I had the jewel on it's own layer--and I did--and it didn't "stick" to the codex cover, I tried to copy it after I'd copied the book to the background, but it wouldn't. Copy was grayed out.


    So is it not possible, or is there a trick to, putting/pasting one image in its own layer, on another image already copied to the background? If that is clear? Piling up images on top of other images, is basically what I'm trying to ask.


    I know you wish I'd give you time to breathe before another question--but I promise this is it until I can think of what to do for Vol.4--and get caught up on my writing--which is really why I'm trying so hard to learn this!

  12. Thank you, MJW, but I have a earlier version of PDN and it doesn't have a copy merged command. But I think you and Pixey were saying essentially the same thing.


    Nanette, may I steal your image? It sure looks more professional than mine, esp. the placing of the center jewel!


    I think I'll try to change the lilac color although whatever you did looks good. Maybe it's a different shade.


    While you're reading this, may I ask how you got that semi-circle 'graveyard' so even? In answering Steve's post about cleaning up old tuts. My letters look pretty bad. The 'i' especially on the one I did. For one thing the word Souterrain ended in an 'n' that I tried not to let look like a 'z' when it was turned. So in doing that I messed up the 'i' but on the other hand, I forgot to make different layers for each letter sometimes and the 'i' was in with three more.


    It's such a hassle to correct it that I've let it ride, but I really want to do it right, so how did you get your letters so even, well-spaced, and not looking like other letters? That's rhetorical--I know the answer: because you're so good at PDN!


    May as well let the PDN world hate me for even trying: attached. And I got the circle not by doing it but by taking it off a picture of the US Great Seal. How I ever got it right is beyond me.



    PS. I'm changing the cover because that one is too "busy" and I wanted to KISS it (Keep It Simple, Sweetie--my version of that).




  13. I found an image that with modification I can use for a cover I truly need to finish.


    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but here's what happened:


    I found a pic that w/modification I could use. So I added the modification. I put a large jewel in the center of a jeweled codex cover and I saved it.


    Then I opened pdn and sized a canvas and colored it to use as a background.


    Then I copied the jeweled cover with the new center stone. Well, the jeweled cover Without the stone copied. And try as I might, I could not even then put the center stone back. Copy grayed itself out and dared me to use it.


    So please would someone tell me how to get the jeweled cover With the center stone on the background cover??


    I really need to get this thing done--badly.


    Attached please find what I was trying to copy on a background cover. Last time I tried to attach it here, it said I couldn't put that kind of file on it. Since it was a pdn file---so I switched to jpeg. Hopefully that will load. Or I quit even trying to use PdN which should be good news to a lot of  you. :(


    Well it loaded so I'll also send how far I got--it's far from where I'd hoped to get!





  14. I searched and found a lot of angry bickering about countries, but not much practical info on what I'd like to attempt. So far I've gotten tremendous patient help from this forum, so I ask for it again please.


    I want use a book cover photo that also shows the spine of the book and just to color the "flat" top one color and leave the spine part not changed in its color.


    Is it possible--as in painting--to mask off the part I don't want to change? Or to use some tool to select only the part I do want to change?


    I'll sure much appreciate help. I've used your answers so far to my good advantage. So I thank you!



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